CHAPTER 4: A Beautiful Lie

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Be carful who you call your friends, I'd rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies...



I woke up in a panic. Jacob words replaying in my head like a song that has been on repeat too long. Against my better judgement I got out of the bed and headed for the door. Will Matthew follow the rules his parents set in place? Willing to test the theory of what Jacob had said about Matthew I got up and headed for his room. Just for a second at least. Will he tell me what I wish to know or will I have to rely on the words of Jacob? As I was leaving my room I could see through the window that it was a full moon...

And it didn't hit me until after my hand touched the knob of my door.

Its the fucking mating moon..

And It was the first mating moon of the month. When I was alone I did so well during these because I didn't have anyone around me. But now that's quite different. I'm hoping that this conversation goes as planned but somewhere inside of me I know it won't. We may not even talk about what I'm curious about at all. Not with that fucking moon in the sky. This is the only part I resent about being a fucking vampire. Once out of my thoughts a sharp pain appeared in my abdomen and it made me fall to the floor clenching my lower stomach. It's already starting. I guess part of me was craving the only thing we lacked in these last few decades. Seeing as though the last person we had sex with was Jacob a lifetime ago.

The pain didn't last long but it hurt like hell. My shirt stuck to my skin making me feel uncomfortable. I hate these fucking tank tops. And the shorts wasn't no better. Should've just put on a gown and had done away with it. I should've stayed asleep. And I know I keep saying all this should've, could've, would've shit but damn give a girl a break. As I stood to my feet again I sighed the pain still lingering over me. I'm hurting like hell. And I'm already knowing that he's gonna smell the desire on my skin. Should I go to his room? It might be a mistake that I'll soon pay for. I don't believe that he cares much for me. The flashbacks hit me like a thunder storm in the middle of a quiet night. Although the odds were completely against me and wasn't working in my favor I went ahead to his room. Regretting this decision with every step I took.

His door wasn't cracked open like last night but it was unlocked. Underneath the door you could see red lights and as I opened the door the red light poured out. Upon walking into the room, I found him rocking in his rocking chair reading a book near the window of his huge room. He actually reads? The moon was lightening the pages of his book. Flashbacks hit me like a train again. I couldn't shake it, it felt like my head was being dipped in a bowl of water. He never looked up from his book but I'm sure he knew I was in here. Nor did I hide the fact that I was in here with him. I shut his door and sat on the edge of his bed, sighing deeply. That's when I heard a shift and looked up to find him staring at me.

"I see you don't care much about the rules of the house?"

I chuckled and leaned against his bed pole

"Why should I care about that bullshit? I have questions of my own that I need you to answer. Are you my mate Matthew? Did you make Jacob turn me?"

He shut his book and looked at me intensely making a shiver run down my spine

"He said that shit? I knew it was odd when he left the meeting and came back in a huff. You want the truth? I loved you as a human. Daniel did not. Jacob met you and didn't tell us about you but his brother Inari did. The night we found you was the night that we found out you were incredibly ill. Me and Jacob knew there was a way to save you without turning you but Daniel always has his way. That's why I hate the fact that we share you. He couldn't stand the sight of humanity so he ordered Jacob to kill you. And he had orders from the king and Queen. That's how it happened but Jacob let you get away before we could take you back with us. Happy now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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