Her fingers slowly ran up Gregory Price's neck, tangling in his curly brown hair

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Her fingers slowly ran up Gregory Price's neck, tangling in his curly brown hair.

Tracing her leg, his hand wandered up until he met her face, cupping her cheek as he deepened the kiss.

The longest she'd ever snogged someone without stopping or...or, was five minutes.

If her mind had tracked time correctly, her and Gregory were on minute three.

Usually, she got bored by the time the boys started getting more handsy.

Like now.

Gregory hummed softly when she pushed forward, leaning into him. He set his hand on her hip, and she used that as a clue to pull back, "You're not a bad snog, Price."

Wearing a smug smile, she straightened up and opened the door of the broom closet. Leaving Gregory to pick himself up whenever he chose.

Approaching the Ravenclaw common room door, she tried to get in a thinking mood.

"If you have it, you don't share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it?" The eagle knocker on the door asked.

Thankfully it was a relatively simple riddle, she answered, "A secret."

The door swung open and she entered, finding her friends both on the couch; Liz with a book and Melissa with a newspaper.

Approaching them, she ranted, "I think it's so idiotic that the gryffendors and slytherins have to memorize phrases, and the Hufflepuffs have to memorize a barell tap combination thing, but we have to be stupidly good at riddles?"

"Good evening to you too." Liz chuckled out, bookmarking her spot in her book.

Plopping down next to her, Lorelei answered sarcastically, "Good evening."

Looking over to Melissa, Lorelei asked, "What's wrong?"

Melissa had a limp hold over the newspaper in hand. "My mother got me a daily prophet subscription." She said softly.

"Why would you read it? It's depressing."

Liz leaned over, "What does it say?"

"More people are being murdered by Voldemort." Melissa said dryly.

Lorelei sighed and also leaned over. The headline at the top read:

Voldemort And His Death Eaters Still At Large

"What an eloquent and totally not depressing title." Lorelei whispered.

Silence filled the space between them as they each read the newspaper.

After completing the newspaper, the girls got into a passionate discussion on the state of the wizarding world.

"Voldemort is murdering muggle born wizards and witches, it's barbaric."

"Nothing feels normal anymore. We're supposed to just move on while this random wizard runs all over the place murdering people. And we're still supposed to take our exams?" Liz asked furiously.

Melissa stared at the table, "What else can we do?"

"Returning to our routine might make us feel better." Lorelei shrugged, "It doesn't mean we have to ignore what's going on, but we don't have to stop doing things we like to do. Right now there isn't anything we can do."

Liz picked at her nails, "I can't believe the ministry isn't taking further measures."


Hogsmeade was lonely without Liz and Melissa as Lorelei started the short walk toward the village.


Turning around, Lorelei saw James Potter running toward her. She paused and waited for him to catch up.

"What are you doing?" She laughed out as the boy caught his breath.

Hands on his knees, James puffed, "We were going together, remember?"

"I thought you meant we'd meet up at the village."

Straightening up, James looked confused, "Why would you only want to spend a few hours with the great James Potter when you could have the whole day?"

She scoffed and started walking again, "I assumed your friends would want time with the great James Potter."

"You are included on that list Lorelei." He said, chuckling.

"Sorry, I don't want join the fanclub." She grinned back.

"I can almost guarantee Remus, Sirius, and Peter would never join a fanclub of mine."

She hummed in response. "I wonder if they'd join a fanclub of mine."

He whacked her in the arm making her laugh as they entered the village.

"Where to first?" She asked.

"Well, we could go to Honeydukes, Zonko's, Dervish and Banges." He suggested.

"Let's make the rounds, yes?"

He gestured for her to go first, "Lead the way, darling."

"How gentlemanly." She remarked sarcastically, taking the lead into the village.

They entered Honeydukes first. James insisted on buying bags of treats for each of his friends. "Peter only wants treats, if I came back with anything else he'd be upset. And if I get Peter sweets I have to get Sirius some or he'll throw a fit. And if it gets Sirius and Peter some I don't want to leave Remus out so I have to get him some too."

Lorelei grabbed a bundle of cockroach clusters off the shelf, "You're definitely overthinking it."

His arms were full of sweets by the time they got to the counter.

"Where to next?" He asked as they exited the store.

Walking into Zonko's, Lorelei tried not to get overwhelmed by the chaos of the store. "Look at the dungbombs." She suggested. Luckily, James got easily distracted by the odd product and she was able to sneak off to the second floor of the shop.

Grabbing four sugar quills and four sneakoscope, Lorelei snuck back down.

She kept her gaze on James, who had only just realized she wasn't near him and was looking frantically around. Quickly securing her purchases she shoved them in the same opaque bag she held her sweets in.

Walking back over she touched his arm.

When his eyes met hers, his relief was evidently written across his face, "I thought something awful had happened. You can't go sneaking off wherever you please."

Walking out of the shop, Lorelei made sure to keep her bag on the side James wasn't on. "And why can't I?"

"It's not safe to wander around alone." He reprimanded while smiling.

She smiled up at him, stopping outside of Dervish and Banges. "So I need a big strong Potter to save me?"

He leaned down, hovering over her face, "To make sure you don't get hurt."

Humming in response, she took advantage of the moment. "Slughorn is holding a Christmas party."

James ruffled his eyebrows, "Okay? Good for him?"

She laughed a little. "Come with me."

Leaning back, he asked, "Why?"

"I have to invite someone and all my other friends are already going." After a moment, she added, "I suppose I could always ask Sirius-"

"No, no. I'll go. What day is it?"

She smirked, "The twentieth."

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