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Lorelei would have had a better time drinking four glasses of spoiled milk then she had standing outside the doors to the Great Hall with the other seventh years

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Lorelei would have had a better time drinking four glasses of spoiled milk then she had standing outside the doors to the Great Hall with the other seventh years.

Trying to prepare for an eighteen hour day felt impossible. With a five a.m. start time and an eleven p.m. end time, Lorelei felt ill prepared for the day ahead of her.

In no time at all, the day of the N.E.W.T. exams were upon them.

The Great Hall had been converted into an exam room, mostly so they had enough room for the amount of people required to oversee the exams.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Melissa whispered, looking slightly green in the face.

Lorelei took a subtle step closer to James. "Aim at Snape." She whispered back, making James chuckle softly.

They had been standing in wait for around fourty minutes before the loud click of the door opening made every student in the corridor snap their head up to stare at the doors.

Melissa turned a shade greener at the sight of McGonagall standing in the doorway. Lorelei could hardly blame the girl, although it had been Melissa's choice to sign up for nine N.E.W.T. exams.

Remus and Lily, only slightly more sane for choosing only eight each shared a nervous glance.

Liz and Lorelei were both ready for hell week in the form of never ending study sessions to end, both having signed up for a reasonable seven each.

James and Sirius were possibly the most nervous of any student in attendance, both passionate about becoming an Auror and nervous they wouldn't pass the required five had both signed up for six just in case.

Peter had signed up for only three, and he seemed slightly preoccupied with his tie to pay McGonagall much attention.

"The N.E.W.T. exams will now begin. Will the students who signed up for the charms exam please come forward." McGonagall began reading names from her list in monotone. Most students didn't need the reminder of what they'd signed up for, but the roll call gave a few students a moment to prepare as they waited for McGonagall to finish calling names.

Lorelei, along with all of her friends walked toward the doors to the Great Hall. Most of the students in the corridor pressed forward. It made the most rational sense to begin the exams with the most signed up for course.

As soon as the students were allowed into the room they were instructed to find an empty platform and stand in the center to wait for the exam to begin.

Finding one in the front middle, Lorelei stepped onto the platform and resisted the urge to fidget with her clothing.

On each platform was a plain black box, about the size of an ottoman.

In front of each platform was a desk and chair, and each one seated a different proctor. There were around one hundred and fifty platforms around the Hall, each with a desk and proctor in front.

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