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Erin and Voight make their way into Voight's office. Erin starts "Hank, this kid reminds me exactly like me. I know how to get through to her." Voight grumbles slightly "We don't have time for chit chat Erin, we are talking about murder. That girl is involved with Charlie, we need her info on him so we can find him before something else happens. We have limited amount of time with this kid, she's a minor." Erin pleads with Hank stating she only needs 5 minutes. "Fine, five minutes max" Voight grumbles.

Erin and Voight make their way to the interrogation room where Madi was being held. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE." Hank shouted in his raspy voice. "Hank, calm down I'm sure she hasn't gone far." Erin said as she tried to reassure him. He just grumbles.

"I want to know where she got to now" Said Hank, to his team. The team couldn't find anything apart from CCTV with her leaving the precinct. She was smart and knew what she was doing. Whilst they had given up on the girl the team had moved on to another lead that they were soon all fixed on.

They could find the girl later if they really needed to.

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