chapter 10

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Good evening people,

How are you all?
Hope all of you are doing good.
Here is another update !

So Enjoy!


After 2 weeks
Siya Pov

I am right now sitting in the car as my hair is flying all over my face, making me look like a chudail—a beautiful chudail.
Actually, my rubberband broke because I have very long and thick hair. Thu, Thu, najar na lage mere baalo ko.
But I am very excited to meet Shruti; we plan to have a coffee in the cafe near her office as she, literally, begged me for a 'friend's coffee date'. Here, I am on my way to the cafe.

The auto stops in front of the cafe. After paying, I enter the cafe, and the smell of coffee surrounds me, making me take a deep breath. I move my eyes all over the place to find Shruti and stop at a raised hand that belongs to Shruti. I walk towards her, giving her my wide, joker-like smile. She stands from her place, pulls me into a tight hug, and starts swinging us left-right.
"I think that's enough love for today," she said, giggled, and also joined me.

"Come, let's sit." We took our seats, sitting opposite each other. "First order, then we will talk." I nodded my head, and she called a waiter to take our orders.

I ordered a cappuccino with lava cake, whereas she ordered only black coffee for herself. After some time, it came.

"So, how are you, Siya?" She asks as she sips her coffee. "I am great. How about you?"

"Don't ask, yaar, I am so tired and frustrated," she whines like a kid, making me let out a chuckle. "Leave my tantrums; they never end," she said, waving her hand.

"Siya, tell me, do you have any boyfriends? huh?" She questioned me, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner. "No, I don't have," I shrugged off. "Really!" she exclaimed cheerfully, making me frown. "Is it a good thing?" I asked her.

She nodded her head like a baby and said, making me choke on my coffee, "Yup! Because I am planning to set you up with my handsome best friend. You are single. He is single. So, get really ready to mingle". She sings while moving her eyebrows in a weird way, making me blink while looking at her.

"NO!! I can't! and stop singing." I shout not very loudly and make her stop singing that horrible single-mingle song, which she is singing continuously.

"Why?" she asked, placing her hands on the table.

"Because I am already engaged" and show my ring, making her look at it closely by leaning a little.

"Oh!" The smile dropped from her face, but soon she gave a small smile. "When did this happen, and who is that lucky guy?" I asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "His name is Karan, and we got engaged last week, the same day you dropped me." She glared at me. God, she is looking so scary.

"And you didn't feel the need to tell, and you forgot about inviting me to your engagement as if I would eat all the food." She furiously said this and banged her fist on the table, making me feel bad about the poor table.

Pressing my hand on her fist, I said calmly, "First, come down; I will tell you, okay?"

"After you dropped me,when I entered the house..." I narrated her whole event—my engagement, my talk with Karan, everything—and she is hearing everything attentively.

When I finish with a sigh, she gives me a sheepish look and apologises, saying, "Sorry, I get angry really easily, and congratulations," making me smile.

"It's ok." I just waved my hand as if to say, 'Oh, come on, man, no need'.

"So, when is the big day?" She looks more excited than me. "25th of next month"

"What so soon? What about shopping and all?" She panicked, making me laugh at her expression. "We have more than a month; don't worry, everything will be managed."

"Stupid! I am not talking about you but myself, oh God! Please tell me how I will manage everything: shopping, parlour, make-up, etc." With every word, she is getting more and more panicked. Suddenly, she looked at her hair while touching them, turned with a horror look, and cried out, "My hairs, they are so rough and needed to be trimmed. How will I manage? Tell me, Siya! Tell me!" And shaking me while holding my palms, making me dizzy as my head is moving up and down—God save me!

"Cal-m do-wn Shr-uti, calm-m-m. STOP!" I shout loudly, making her leave my hands quickly. After making sure my skull was still in its place, I glared at her and said, "Agar maar jaugi fir iski shaadi m jaogi ha."
(If I die, then whose wedding will you go to?)

"Don't get panicked like that; everything will be managed. And I will help you in shopping and with your hair; it is beautiful, shiny, and soft like silk." Making her smile as she looked at her hair proudly, she turned towards me and said, "You are really a great friend, my dreamgirl." I laughed as she sent me a fly kiss, and I pretended to catch it, press it to my heart, and dramatically faint on the chair. We both start laughing loudly at our crazy selves.

"This is good, Yaar!" she said between the laugh and showing her thumb. "I-k-no-w," I say, starting to laugh more.

Whereas everyone in the room looked at us, some with an annoyed look, some as if they were going to call a mental hospital, and some smiling at our craziness, especially kids and elders. But we don't really care about them and are lost in ourselves.

After getting tired, we lean on the chair lazily. Shruti looked at me and said, "You know, Siya, it's been months since I laughed like this. It's crazy, Yaar." I shook my head negatively and said, "We are crazy, actually." She chuckled.

"I think we should leave now." Nodding, we stand up and walk to the payment counter. As she started paying, I stopped her and said, "This treat is on me, as I promised that day."

"Yeah! also your engagement treat, as you didn't tell me about it." Rolling my eyes at her, "Yea! Yea, now may I, ma'am?"She stepped aside, pointing her arms towards the counter, saying, "Please, do the honours."

As we step outside the cafe, her phone starts ringing. Looking at the caller ID, she groans but nevertheless receives the call and starts talking. She is looking really irritated and frustrated, and she cuts the call, yelling, "Get lost, duffer, idiot, donkey, you-you, mosquito kahika."

Peeking at me, she sheepishly said, "Nothing happened, nothing. It's normal," she said, shrugging off "It's anything but normal." She smiled beautifully and hugged me.

"So bye, I have returned to my office as I have a meeting. I really enjoy being with you. And don't forget about shopping. I will call you when I am free. Ok," she said. "Yeah, sure. Bye, see you soon; take care."

"Take care!" she shouts as she runs to her car and waves at me before driving away. With a smiling face, I walk up to the roadside for an auto. Sitting in the auto, a bright smile appears on my face as I think about today's beautiful memory with Shruti.

Life is really beautiful.


How is the chapter??
What do you all think about our crazy girls?
Let me know in the comments.
Feel free to share your opinion on this book.

Ok then
Bye Bye
See u soon
And take care of yourself

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