Chapter 28

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Siya Pov

"Haha! You have very loyal admirers. I feel sorry for him, poor boy," Vivaan said, chuckling as I was telling him about today's incident in my school. "He was looking so cute with his angry look, as I mentioned about Ruhaan ji," I said while massaging his head as he was sitting on the floor and me on the sofa behind him.

"Siya, here is the coffee for Ru. Go give him beta." Mumma said, nodding. I took the cup from her and made my way towards our room. We were all sitting and chatting after our dinner. Except for Dadi Masi, who is in the pooja room reading the Gita, and Ruhaan Ji, who was busy with his office work,

Taking my handbag with me, I move towards our home office along with his coffee. Knocking twice on the door, I entered after hearing a soft "yes, come in". Entering his office room, I first placed my handbag on the couch and then made my way towards his table.

"Here is your coffee, Ruhaan Ji," I said smilingly while placing his coffee on his table. Turning his attention from his laptop to me, he smiled lightly and said, "Thanks." "Mention not," I simply said with a smile.

"Ruhaan Ji, can I work here if you don't mind?" I asked him with a nervous smile as I was playing with my saree pallu. "Of course, you don't have to ask me; it's your room also. Feel free to use it whenever you want." He said it gently and gave a smile in the end.

I sat on the couch after giving him a grateful look. Taking today's test papers out of my bag, I started checking them. I don't know how much time passed like that; I look up to see the time. 'Finally done with these test papers,' I thought as I stretched my limbs with a smile.

My gaze fell on Ruhaan Ji, who is engrossed in his file and totally forgets about his surroundings. I shook my head at his straight and strict face, but a sudden smile took place on my face, and I thought he was looking effortlessly stunning and charming even with his expressionless face.

'I've got a Greek god as my husband.' I mentally squirmed at this thought.

"Where are you lost?" He said this as he looked at me with his narrow eyes. "Nowhere, why?" I said, faking my confusion to escape his observing gaze. He looked at me for a few seconds, and then he started arranging his files in the drawer in which he was working.

"Are you done with your work?" Asked while organising his study table. "Yup!!" I replied as I stood up from my seat with my test papers and bag. "Go freshen up; I am coming after putting this cup in the kitchen." "I will do that; you can go and shower first," I said, taking the empty cup from him and leaving the office room.

Ruhaan Pov

She leaves the room, humming an unknown tune.

Taking my phone from the table, I start walking towards the door, but suddenly turning back, I move towards the couch and take her bag and bundle of paper she was working on. Placing her things on the dressing table in our bedroom, I went to take a shower.

I am checking a few emails while lying on the bed. while she is braiding her hair after being done with her night routine.

"Ruhaan Ji," she softly called while continuing to braid her hair. "Hmm," I said, still looking at my phone but having my attention on her. "You know, there is a little cute boy in my class, and he has a huge crush on me." She chuckles slightly and turns on her chair to face me.

The 'crush' word caught my attention as I faced her with curious eyes.

"You know, today when I told my class that I got married and told them about you, he suddenly started crying silently and put his head down to hide his teary face. And then his friend informed me about his crying. When I asked his reason for crying, he quickly hugged me and told me that he loved me and wanted to marry me when he would become a big boy.

She starts chuckling at the end, making me smile as well. Great, now I have a competition. That too a little kid.

"The whole day, he kept sulking and looking at me as if I had betrayed him." I let out a laugh along with her, imagining his cute little face. "Am I supposed to be scared for you?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow.

"I don't know; maybe you should be." She simply shrugs her shoulders, beaming at me. It made me chuckle softly as I shook my head and turned towards my phone again.

After switching off the lights, she laid down on her side of the bed. Putting my phone on the charger, I also lay down and cover myself with a duvet. Turning to my right, I faced her and called her "Siya."

"Ji," she also says, turning to face me. "Actually, this weekend Shruti and Shaurya plan for a dinner outing with us, and if you are free then..." "I would love to!" she said in her excited voice. "Ok, then be ready this Saturday," I said, giving her a soft, small smile.

Nodding happily, she shifts closer to me, puts her legs on mine, and closes her eyes with a content smile. I keep looking at her and brush a strand from her cheek gently. Soon I heard her soft snores, indicating she was in deep sleep. I smile in amusement at her speed at sleeping.

Taking her soft hand in mine, I place a light kiss on it before putting it on my chest. And fell asleep with a content smile.

After a week
Siya Pov

After a weekSiya Pov

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(Siya's Saree)

"Mumma, you sit. I will arrange the table," I said, lightly pushing Mumma outside the kitchen. "Ah, this girl," she sighs in defeat, nevertheless, sitting on her chair at the dining table.

"Bhabhi, let me help." Vivaan is about to stand up, but Mumma pulls him back on his chair, and, turning to Ruhaan Ji, she says, "Ru, go help her." He stood up, entered the kitchen after me, and asked me, "Tell me what is to be set on the table." "Tell me what is to be set on the table," he asked me, looking at all the bowls on the kitchen counter.

After setting dishes on the table, we also take our seats and start having our breakfast with a little chit-chat.

It's been 7 days since our marriage, and to say I am happy would be a very small word to describe my inner feeling. The only thing I feel about these people, who are now my family, is unconditional love and care. In just a few days, they all became my everything—I don't know how yet.

Mumma is my gossip partner and a person with whom I can share everything. Papa is my cheerleader and supports me against everyone. Vivaan is my little baby, or, more precisely, my crime partner; he is a criminal while I am forced to be his partner. I am his secret keeper.

Dadi is an exclusive piece. She is more childish and energetic than Vivaan and me. And our gang leader, which includes me, Vivaan, and Shruti.

And then our silent bomb, Masi Dadi, usually remains silent and stays alone. I can feel her care and love even when she barely utters a word to us. It's her expression that makes her look scary. She mostly spends her time in the pooja room, backyard, or with Dadi. I must say, she really loves Dadi, as her eyes always turn soft when talking with her.

Finally, my husband, Ruhaan ji Well, what can I say about him? He is just awesome. I can't describe my feelings towards him. But I can definitely say that he is the most beautiful person in my heart. He is caring, loving, respectful, kind, hardworking, passionate, and the list goes on. He must be God's favourite and most beautiful creation.

Our marriage is going smoothly, and I can notice our closeness with each other. We feel comfortable together. As we work together in the office room, just share our day over coffee or tea, or just sit together silently and enjoy each other's presence. He is so soft and gentle with me when he talks or even touches me. And sometimes we show our care and respect through kisses, and, ok, fine, baba, mostly he shows it through his kisses and touches.

It's not my fault if I don't know how to display my care and affection for him. His intense eye contact is enough to make me blush, and then just think what my condition would be if I took the initiative and kissed and touched him as he does. You know when I first kissed his cheek when he came to drop me off at school? This stupid and idiotic heart of mine was jumping like a mental kangaroo. And the staff and other people in my way gave me a weird look because I was smiling like an idiot with my red face. I could feel his rough yet smooth cheek against my lips even after a minute of kissing.

All I can do is thank God repeatedly for giving me these awesome and beautiful people as family. I may be an orphan, but now I have not one but two families. How did I get so lucky?

"Siya, be ready by 6," Ruhaan suddenly said, making me come out of my thoughts. "Ji," saying I start cleaning with Momma. Vivaan whistled, and I looked at him, frowning while he just smirked mischievously, moving his eyes between me and Ruhaan ji.

"Dinner date, not bad, Bhai," he mutters to him, but we all can hear him. I let out a fake cough in shyness while Ruhaan smacked his head, making Vivaan whine, and then turned to look at me with a pout. I went inside the kitchen, making an excuse to escape their teasing eyes.

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