Olivia's Gymnastics Shoe Loss

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Olivia walked into her gymnastics class one day, her gold coloured sandals glistening in the sunlight as she entered. She had just gotten the sandals and had wanted to show them off. After all, she hadn't shown her toes much so maybe this was her shot.

She always had done gymnastics ever since she was little, now, being an 11 year old girl she could do it pretty well.

She went to put her bag up and got into the gymnastics floor. However it wasn't long before she had her sandals off, doing flips and learning some new tricks. She left her sandals by the door, trusting that they wouldn't be taken. As she danced a boy slid the gold sandals into his bag while no one was looking, Olivia continued to do her tricks and practice unaware her footwear was gone. She didn't expect it anyways.

After practicing they were allowed a break, and Olivia went to find her shoes, however she alas, came up with out them. She talked to her gymnastics instructor and they looked around to no avail. Olivia did more practice stunts before the class ended. She was disappointed about her loss but weirdly, it felt kind of exciting to have no shoes or sandals on.

She walked around outside heading to her mom's car, explaining her predicament, her soles dirty.

The next stop was to go sandal shopping, luckily, they weren't too expensive, however Olivia learned her lesson that day- or maybe, she didn't?

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