Olivias Sandal Dangle Loss

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It has been a while since Olivia had lost a pair of sandals, eventually she even forgot about the incident. However, soon she would be reminded of it as she entered her gymnastics class again.

Olivia was once again at Gymnastics and as she sat down for a break she began to dangle her pink sandals, her toes wiggling as she unknowingly teased a red headed girl.

She eventually let one fall and while she wasn't looking the girl took one, slipping it in her bag without her looking. Olivia eventually went to put her sandal on there wasn't one there! She looked for whoever might have taken her sandal, asking around and looking the best she could. She eventually gave up the pursuit of her sandals and walked out of the gymnastics building once again, without one shoe!

The girl giggled seeing her trophy and shoe she could write teases and play with!

When she got out of the building her Mom asked her about her lost footwear to which Olivia explained her predicament.

"I was relaxing on the stage and took my shoe off for a second and someone took it"

Her mom looked at her a bit shocked before finally taking her to the sandal store.

She eventually did get a replacement but, maybe she learned her lesson this time?

She even ended up getting a small tracker for her sandals, hoping she wouldn't lose them in the future this time!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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