36. Two Weeks to Fall in Love

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I was in love with Noah Archer.

And today I was going to have to watch another girl ask him out. I was going to have to watch him date this other girl for the next two weeks. Eventually, I was going to have to watch him fall in love with someone else.

I was going to throw up.

Things were so much easier when I was blissfully unaware of my feelings. If only I could go back in time and unlearn everything about him. But no. I didn't actually want that. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I knew I didn't want to forget Noah Archer.

I would rather be miserably in love with him and watch him date other girls, than take back the last two weeks.

And that was the only thing that helped me get out of bed, get dressed and get into Melissa's car.

It was obvious by the time we arrived at school that the rumor of our early break up had spread. Even more so with how quiet everyone was as soon as I passed by them. Someone must have seen us yesterday. Not that surprising considering we broke up right next to the parking lot.

That was stupid of me. To be fair I wasn't really thinking rationally.

"Are you okay?" Melissa whispered before taking my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I squeezed back and let out a sigh.

This wasn't the hard part. The hard part would be the next class. The one I shared with Noah. The first class we went to after I'd asked him out. Maybe I could skip class. Only what would I even do? Just walk around? Surely time would pass faster in class than trying to waste it outside... 

Sighing, I resigned myself to my fate. Today was going to be a horrible day. But tomorrow would be better. Probably. Maybe not. 

As it always goe, because I'd wished the first class of the day would last forever, it simply zoomed past. And then it felt like I was walking down death row as I went to my next one. The one class I wished I could avoid. I was one of the first people in, and I took my usual seat, anxiously twirling my hair.

He probably had a new girlfriend already. The rumors were about to restart. A new girl would become the focus for the next two weeks. I would be forgotten. Noah would be someone I just passed by in the hall, and things would go to how they always were. How they were meant to be. Right? 

I knew by the whispers when he entered and, unable to help myself, I looked up.

Noah Archer walked into class, his headphones pulled over his ears, hands stuffed in his pockets, eyes looking down at the ground.

My heart heart hiccuped. There were tingles passing through my whole body. This was the first time I saw him with the awareness of being in love with him... and I couldn't for the life of me understand how I'd never realized it before. The effect he had on me.

Noah threw himself into his seat. Silence stretched along the class as people looked around. And then a girl stood up. The same girl that had tried asking him out two weeks ago.

Instantly, it felt like a stone was crushing my chest. No way. There was no way I was about to see him start dating someone else. Even though I hadn't eaten, somehow I was feeling nauseous.

The girl walked up to him boldly this time. Determined.   

I couldn't look away. Like a deer in headlights, I was trapped, watching this nightmare unfold in front of me.

"Hey Noah," she started, with her sweet voice and cavity inducing smile. Noah pulled down his headphones and looked up at her.

"Sup?" His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.

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