Chapter Four

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"So, (Y/n), how long have you known Dee and Dexter"

You look up from your food at Dexter's mom while sitting between the blond and redhead boys.

But before, you could think of a good answer, Dexter quickly replies.

"I met her two weeks ago while I was handing in my college application" he explains, surprising you and his older brother.

The fact that Dexter just made up a lie to not expose the fact that you are a stranger is a bit weird.

But, you are grateful for that.

However, Dee Dee seems a bit slow to catch on.

"Hey, I thought that you said you didn't have any female friends"

Dexter gives his brother a nasty look before looking back at his parents.

"That was before I met (Y/n)" Dexter lies smoothly.

"I'm delighted that Dexter has you as a friend, (Y/n)" Dexter's dad says, taking a sip from his wine glass.

"I hope you get accepted into university along with Dexter"

Dexter's mom exclaims causing Dee Dee to roll his eyes before leaning back into his chair.

Dee Dee is annoyed that his younger brother is getting all the attention so he decided to cut in.

"So, (Y/n)?" you look at the blond boy.


"Do you have a boyfriend?" you raise an eyebrow at him.

"No" The ballerina boy smirks.

"Then you wouldn't mind going out with me to see the newly released movie?"

"Well-" Dexter answers for you instead.

"She can't go with you, she promised to help me with my scientific experiment"

You look at the redhead with a surprised expression.

"I do?"

"Yes, did you forget about what we agreed on earlier? You already agreed to help me" Dexter implies as if trying to remind you.

"Yes, how forgetful can I be, this experiment will be a great project to help us enrol in the university"

Dee Dee only looks at the two of you with an emotionless expression.

"Oh, have fun than with your little experiment"

The blond leans towards your ear and whispers in a low voice so nobody can hear him.

"I hope you enjoy your time with my brother in his secret laboratory"

You gulp, feeling the insincere undertone.


"You have got a nice room" you compliment the nineteen-year-old boy as you follow him into his room.

"Thanks," he says, walking towards his bookcase, you stop right beside him.

"So, why did you lie to your parents about me being your friend" you inquire curiously.

"You will see"

Before you know it, Dexter pulls out a few books, rearranging them.

To only have the bookcase open, to reveal a whole laboratory behind it.

"Wow, that's pretty amazing" you act surprised that he has a Lab.

"So, you still haven't answered my question" you point out, as the bookcase closes after you.

Dexter chuckles, placing his hands into his white coat pockets.

"I simply needed a human to experiment on my new ideas"

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