2- Lucas

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The sudden movement from beside me rocks my desk, jolting me awake. My eyes rise to the figure sitting next to me, annoyed and confused at why someone is taking my table. This was supposed to be an easy class, where I didn't have to talk with anyone or work with other people, and for some reason, this person just can't let me be.

My complaints catch on my tongue when I look at her.

She's gorgeous. Not the type of pretty that most girls are, with soft features that are meant to be passively admired. No, she is beautiful in a way that you can't turn away from. She holds confidence and assertiveness that is so alluring it begs you to look a little longer, and steal glances at her as often as you can. I noticed her eyes first; they were a dark brown color, highlighted by gold specks, and rimmed with long black lashes. Her top lip is thicker than her bottom lip, and she uses them to pull off an arrogant smile. Her clothes hug her body in a way that feels painfully unfair, accentuating her soft tan skin.

I realize I'm staring, tell myself to stop staring, and then keep staring at her.

You look like a fool. I blink myself back to reality, trying to save the awkward situation I had just put myself in. Thankfully, whether she notices me leering and stays quiet or is so used to boys staring that she didn't realize, she makes no reaction.

"Hello?" I recover, my confusion rushing back into my voice.

"Yeah, I know, I don't want to sit here either." Her hostility transforms her features.

Unceremoniously, she lays back in her chair, visibly annoyed, and huffs out air like it would turn into fire and burn our teacher if she willed it to.

The class continues silently, the students watching our teacher as she spins around the room and enforces rules we have no intention of following. I stare at the clock, hoping time could speed up and release us from this room.

As Mrs. Whalen finally sits down at her desk, ending her lecture, Rome whispers while keeping her eyes on her phone, "Bummer, I was hoping she would trip first."

I snort, keeping my eyes on the board. "At least that would shut her up."

"Are you kidding?" She scoffs. "Nothing in the world could keep her quiet."

I use my hand to cover the smile breaking out across my face.

"Hi, I'm Rome." She grins, looking at me like something suddenly very interesting.

"I know," I nod, "we have chemistry together."

She tilts her head, confused. After a minute her eyes blink with realization and I scoff quietly, turning away from her. I have had a class with her every year since we were freshmen, multiple this year alone, and although I can count the times we have spoken on a single hand, it's unreasonable to not even be able to recognize me.

I should have expected this from Miss Prom Queen herself.

"I get it," I mutter immaturely. "Bothering yourself with those below you must be exhausting."

"It's not like that-" she starts in an irritated voice.

Suddenly the bell rings and I gather my things, my eyes roll at her attempt to defend herself. As if she even cares enough to give me an explanation. As if she needed to defend herself from what I think of her. I stand up and leave her at her desk while she sighs – annoyed like I am the one being rude.

In the hallway, I feel my backpack being tugged backward.

My body spins, immediately annoyed by whoever is touching me, before being surprised by the laughter of my best friend, Adrien. Pushing his dark, shaggy hair out of his green eyes, he shoots me a massive smile. I look down at him slightly, since he stands a few inches shorter than I do, and shove him back with a grin that mirrors his.

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