10- Lucas

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"Clear your weekends," Zoya slams her books onto the lunch table, effectively ending my conversation with Adrien that was nowhere near over. "Friday, saturday, and some sundays, we are gonna be partying together every week."

"You can't be serious." I groan.

Adrien agrees instantly. "Zoya, you're a genius! Finally someone is in the right mood."

"We never even saw each other at the party!"

"Adrien and I were both busy," she turns to Adrien and narrows her eyes accusatively, "I assume making out with someone?"

He nods enthusiastically.

"Slut," she coughs.

"What! Adrien, who were you with all night?"

Adrien takes a sip of his water bottle smugly, "I'm not the type of man to kiss and tell."

"Why even force me to go to a party if you were just going to disappear and spend the night with your girlfriend?" I turn to Zoya, frustrated. How dare they drag me to a party, claiming that we don't spend enough time together, only for them to leave me at the door? It was unfair and cruel, but I'm not seriously mad at them.

I refuse to admit it out loud, but I did have fun at the party. With the music and light conversations, it was hard not to. But still, I would have been a lot more comfortable if my only friends had at least thought of me while we were there.

"I'm not implying that you should lose your virginity in someone's bathtub or something-"

"Oh my god." Adrien laughs and my face goes red at the notion.

"However! Maybe you would have some more fun at parties if you tried what we do." Zoya shrugs, taking a bite out of her school-provided lunch.

"If you think we were bad when we first started partying, ask Mr. Playboy who he spent the night with," Adrien whispers, speaking low like he is revealing a great secret. My secret, of course.

"Lucas! What is he talking about?"

I open my mouth to defend myself but Adrien continues. "And I thought I had game!"

"Who did-" Zoya tries to ignore Adrien's loud voice.

"You should have seen this guy! Just ask him who he got with, you won't believe it."

Zoya leans closer to the table, intrigue apparent in her wide eyes and open mouth. She looks between us, words falling from her lips but anticipation makes them too messy to form the questions in her mind. I want to be hurt that she is so shocked about the possibility that I kissed a girl. Normally, I would be offended that they didn't believe I knew how to flirt or socialize. But Zoya has a right to be surprised, seeing as her assumptions are false anyways.

I briefly debate lying to them so that I can prove them wrong. I could easily fabricate the story, paint an image of myself as a bold and flirtatious guy, just for a few moments in my friends' imaginations. I could pretend to be one of the boys who has girls drooling from miles away.

Instead, I kick down the selfish idea and set my goal towards convincing them of my innocence. I am aware that I haven't kissed a girl or really spent time with one in a sexual way since middle school. I comfortably accept the doubt that the recentness of my last kiss will be updated soon. I really don't mind that fact. Although it might be the only thing that all the popular kids and gossipers of the school seem to care about, it doesn't change who I am. Virginity isn't something to be ashamed of or proud of, it's simply something a part of people's own privacy. Sometimes I find myself frustrated with how much it clouds my best friends' minds, but I know it doesn't affect how they see me and more importantly, it doesn't affect how I see myself.

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