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Maddy smiled as she watched Lily enjoying the night while in the distance Xavier was on his throne, surrounded by his advisors with a worried, stressed out look on his face. As guilty as she felt, she could not help but feel he should have seen her mini-rebellion coming eventually. She had been good, obedient and well-mannered for his sake. She had altered herself from a wild human to some sort of aristocrat all for his sake. Now he needed to make some sacrifices for her if he wanted to ever receive her affection again.

Extreme? Perhaps. But oh so necessary to open his eyes and force him to realise what a fool he was. She deserved better than being some quiet accessory in a room and if he did not know that then she would teach him that very lesson. 

Had he lost his mind in the blur of it all. Respect was earned, not given. She had earned it more than enough. She had put up with it all, his constant fussing, his ministers' disapproving side glances as she walked by, the giggles of the court ladies at her lack of decent posture and his  constant shoving of her wishes aside.

If he wanted a queen, she would be one. A real one, not the one portrayed in Ivera's books. She was going to stop bending to his will. She had been under the control of others too long. First all the supernatural she had had to pay bribe money, hide from and submit to and then him and his stupidity. 

She had been reading while being sick and injured. She had seen portraits of her. The late Queen Asteria. She was confident. She was in control. Obviously the kingdom needed another Queen Asteria. Queen Madeline would be that and more, well if he chose the choice that he ought to.

Otherwise, Queen Maddy would be living her happiest cottage life in the forest, dancing between trees and running with flowers. 

"Queen Madeline!" 

Maddy turned seeing an excited girl and her friend running at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Etiquette Irene," the friend hissed elbowing the excited girl.

"Oh uh.. greetings to Her Highness Queen Madeline."

The friend smiled, "Lady Melrie of the Nathanus Duchy, greets her highness."

"It is nice to meet you."

Irene grinned widely, "Have you tried the meringues yet. They are to die for. Oh and the cake, it is red velvet. But one of the other cakes are vanilla. You like vanilla right?"

Maddy fiddled her hands uneasily, "Uh yes. How did you know I like vanilla?"

"Irene shut up!" Melrie gasped horrified, "My apologies your highness. Um she is just excited."

Irene shoved her friend closer to the queen. "Lady Melrie is the president of your fanclub at Alliston's. She even secured us invites. You should come visit one day!"

"That is close enough. Girls do I need to inform you both of protocols and etiquette. This is the Queen."

Maddy celebrated internally as Lily stepped in front of her. She was so thankful for her guard who still performed her duties at the best of times even when off duty.

Irene's face went red and a bigger smile broke out on her face. "Princess Lilliana!"

Maddy grabbed Lily's hand and ran. That Irene seemed crazy. 

"I am so sorry about that Lily. I am so confused-"

Lily laughed, her giggles unable to die down until she saw Maddy's confused face. "Oh uh you did not know what that was?"

"I think Irene was trying to kill me," Maddy whispered trembling.

Lily tapped her chin, "Kill you. No. That is likely not it. It is something called fans. Fangirls in specific. That young lady, is an enthsiatic type. Be wary of them."

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