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Maddy awoke to see the curtains drawn and women with fangs were attending to her. Not entirely the sight a woman terrified of vampires wanted to see first thing in the morning.

Just the sight of their pearly white fangs made her retreat under the duvet trying to formulate a plan of escape. Escape from them.

The duvet was ripped off her head and the human immediately got as far away from them as she could.

She could see their dark red eyes. Her fists clenched whilst her eyes darted to find anything capable of being a makeshift weapon. If her time on the streets had taught her anything, it was that almost any solid (or even not solid) object could be used as a weapon. All that mattered was that you found the best way to use it.

The maids glared her up and down. They did not seem happy with the defiant look on her face. Ironic since they were supposed to be serving her not the other way round.

She cursed Lily for being a late sleeper. The one time she could have been of use and she was not there and Maddy was left with a bunch of vampire females. They were all significantly taller than her, although that was not saying much, she was already short for an adult human woman. They also had incredibly pale complexions and were very beautiful.

They were however still terrifying. Being alone with vampires in a room for some reason frightened her, maybe it was the incident in the forest. To be honest she was not entirely sure why else.

The King said that she was his mate and Lily seemed to think that that meant he would look after and care for her. If he did then why did he put vampires in a room with her. He could not possibly think she was entirely over the incident in the forest. No normal person would have been. She was attacked and fed from by not one but four vampires. Did he expect her to suddenly be trapped in a room with vampires and not begin panicking?

The look in their eyes reminded her of hunger. They were servants so they did not get pets and blood slaves and they were hardly ever able to drip fresh blood from human veins. That was what she remembered being told by her mother figure and runaways she had encountered.

To have a human in a room with them mist have been a treat. Were they going to hurt her.

"What a cute little pet," one of them said looking at her.

Maddy almost growled in anger, but she was no part canine or vampire so she did not. Instead she fisted her hands even tighter preparing to fight if they neared her.

"I am not a pet. It would do you good to remember that," she seethed, her defiant nature still coming out in the worst of possible situations she could have gotten herself into.

"Humans like you do not get titles. Do you know what most do if a pathetic human becomes their mate, they make them into their pets because your kind will never deserve to be anywhere equal to us."

The words spoken to her were only igniting the fire inside her and the human was having to hold herself back from punching one in the nose. It would only get her hurt. There was no one to protect her. She was stuck in the room.

That was exactly why the streets were better, there was always another way when being persued.

Her eyes glanced at the open balcony doors. Maybe splitting on the ground would be better than some vampire bites.

"Be a good pet, girl."

"Yeah lie down and roll over. NOW!"

Maddy had already had enough of them. Standing there and defying them was useless. Fighting them was stupid. She only really had one or two choices.

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