EP 3

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Warnings: some violence and bad language

    The final quarter was about to start and Kaijou was losing to Fukuda Sogo 51-63. Kaijou's coach was getting uneasy, Kise was overwhelmed by Haizaki and the rest of the boys were having trouble after their moves had been stolen. 

    None of them has lost hope, of course.

    Kise was sitting at the bench looking especially angry, his eyes radiated frustration and desire to win. His will to fight hadn't gone out yet. He would keep trying, he had been working so much all this time.

    The final quarter started and Kise had the ball, he stopped moving when Haizaki stepped in front of him to mark him. He glared at Haizaki's smirk and tried to get past him to dunk the ball, but his form was completely off. This was a move Haizaki had already stolen from him on the second quarter.

    With that block, Fukuda Sogo got possession of the ball. Haizaki order his team to give the ball to him and when they obeyed, he did the move Kise had just tried to make and scored, just to spite Kise even more.

    At the stands, Seirin was debating how Kise didn't look normal. He was gasping for air and for someone like him to fall this hard was strange. Something was wrong.

    Aomine and Momoi were also watching the game and commenting the same thing.

    "This isn't good." Aomine said and Momoi looked up at him questionly. "Kise learns moves after seeing them once. He should have a pretty significant number of moves stored up, but not many of them will work against Haizaki. On top of that, they'll be stolen as soon as he uses them, making them useless. So Kise has been carefully choosing from a limited set of choices, but he's starting to run out of options." He explained and Momoi grew concerned for Kise.

    "No way." The girl said worriedly. Aomine kept looking at Kise, he noticed something else was damaging Kise's performance.

    Riko had just noticed the same thing. Just by looking at Kise, she saw he wasn't in his top shape.

    "He's overworked." She told the others and they looked at her surprised. "He looks like he has been working his body non-stop and now he's under too much strain. And I think it's probable that Kise-kun has an injury." Riko explained.

    "What? An injury?!" (Y/N) asked worriedly and Riko nodded. Kagami and Kuroko also didn't like to hear that.

    "It's most likely the same thing that happened to Aomine-kun's elbow at the Inter-High. After overworking themselves this summer at that tournament, not only Aomine-kun but Kise-kun injured himself. Kise-kun looks like it was his foot, and because he has probably been training hard without recovering completely, he's starting to feel it." Riko explained and the others eyes widened.

    (Y/N) looked at Kise with worry. All this time he had been playing with a painful foot and he didn't even let it show. He always looked so confident. 

    Kagami stood up with frustration, not accepting Kise's fate.

    "Even so, there's no way he'd lose to that shithead." Kagami grumbled. "He promised to win so we could play at the semi-finals. He can't lose!" He said a bit more desperately.

    As he said that, Haizaki had scored once again, he had defeated Kise once again. At that moment, even Kise's teammates wondered if Kise had any more chance against Haizaki. He had been completely shut down.

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