EP 9

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    Every one of the Generation of Miracles had the same feeling when they met Kagami. At first it was only a feeling, but after playing against him, they were certain. Kagami is like the Generation of Miracles. He is the same type as them, but didn't become part of them, he is the member that followed a different path. He is the last to awaken with the same talent as the Generation of Miracles. He's a 'Miracle that isn't a Miracle' and the true light that met the shadow.

    This was what Kise was thinking about after watching Kagami score one more time. That was the reason Kise felt so strongly about wanting to defeat Kagami, it was instinct. Just like he didn't want to lose against the other Miracles, he didn't want to lose against Kagami.

    The game kept going and Kise's and Kagami's fight continued. Kise was having trouble with the red haired, because he blocked Kise's shots and got past him a few times. The more Kise failed against him, the more the blond fought harder and refused to give up. But that was only making him worse. The truth was that Kise was in pain, his foot was slowing him down but he was forcing himself to keep going because of his refusal to lose against Kagami.

    However, his struggle didn't escape his coach's eyes or even Riko's. They noticed how Kise's jumps were starting to become lower and his moves slower.

    Kise's coach didn't waste time. He got up and asked for a member change. As soon as Kagami scored again and the game paused, Kise was called.

    "Kise, you're out." Coach Takeuchi said simply and Kise looked at him in disbelief.

    "What? Why me?" the blond protested. "If you sub me out now-" he tried to say, but Kasamatsu cut him short.

    "Kise. Listen to the coach." Kasamatsu instructed and Kise looked at him. "It's your leg, isn't it? It's been bothering you since that time." The captain said, referring to the time Haizaki stepped on Kise's injured foot.

    "You knew." Kise murmured, he thought he had been able to hide his pain from his team. He quickly looked at Kasamatsu seriously again. "But you have to let me keep playing! I can play through the pain! If we lose again . . ." the blond insisted, but Kasamatsu wasn't having it.

    "Considering where we are, you've already lost." He said and Kise's eyes widened. "I know you overworked yourself because you were desperate to win. It was wrong of Haizaki to step on your injured foot, but that's not an excuse. It's all part of the game and the game doesn't care." Kasamatsu lectured him and Kise clenched his teeth in frustration.

    Kasamatsu was being rough with him, but if that was the way to make Kise stop hurting himself more, then so be it. Besides, it wasn't like Kise couldn't keep going for a few more minutes, it was just best for him to rest for a bit now. He would be back later, that was for sure. In the meantime, the rest of Kaijou would keep playing against Seirin and doing their best until their ace came back in.

    Kise sat on the bench reluctantly. (Y/N) was looking at him worriedly, she didn't know his foot had been bothering him so much. Kuroko and Kagami also looked dejected that the blond had to step out, but that wasn't going to make them go easy on Kaijou. Doing that, feeling sorry for Kise, would only be more humiliating for him. If there was a time for giving their all and get the advantage, it was now!

    The game resumed and Seirin had the ball. Kaijou's defense on them was tight, but they managed to give the ball to Kuroko and the blue haired scored with his Phantom Shot. Hayakawa was angry with himself. He thought that if he marked Kuroko better he could have avoided his shot. Kasamatsu was exasperated with him because Hayakawa was marking Kagami already, so apologizing for not being marking the invisible boy was stupid, but that's how silly Hayakawa was.

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