Chapter 28: Aftermath

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Heyo, sorry for the delay. We were pretty burnt out after finally finishing the TUE arc, and then life kinda fell apart... we lost a dear family member, we have to find a new place to live, and in the little free time we've had we've just been watching LEGO Monkie Kid (we're actually on our third rewatch right now. 😓) *ahem* (it's amazing and we highly recommend it. It's based off of Chinese mythology, and has a god and mortal mentor-apprentice relationship, reincarnation shenanigans/drama, amazing animation, and great humor. 10/10 👌)

And a warning: Real life stuff is coming up pretty soon for us, and we'll be on hiatus for about 1-3 months. We hope to get the next chapter out before the hiatus, but no promises.

Also, this chapter has high levels of fluff, so just a warning.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


     "Mr. Fenton?"

     Danny blinked. He was standing at the front of Mr. Lancer's classroom, a stack of papers in his hands. The other students were looking at him curiously (except for Sam and Tucker—they looked more cautious, as if wondering if it was really him.)

     Mr. Lancer gave him a look of disapproval. "Is there a problem?"

     Danny looked down at what he was holding. It was the CAT answer booklet. How did he...?

     He remembered fighting Dan. He remembered the explosion. He remembered Clockwork saving everyone. And...?

     He looked back at his friends and gave them a small, reassuring smile before returning his attention to Mr. Lancer, who was still waiting for an answer.

     "Um, actually, Mr. Lancer... there is."

     Danny groaned as he plopped himself down on the steps outside the front of the school. Mr. Lancer had been merciful enough to let him schedule a make-up test for next week, so... now what? He knew that he needed to talk to Sam and Tuck, but they were still taking their tests, so that was out of the question for the time being. Maybe he should go find Jazz and his parents. Make sure they were alright.

     It seemed that his sister had a similar idea.


     He looked over his shoulder to see Jazz bursting through the front doors. She hurried down the stairs and sat down next to him, immediately pulling him into a hug.

     "Danny, you're okay!" Jazz gushed. "I was so worried."

     "Y-yeah, I... y-you're..." Danny's eyes stung as his voice caught in his throat. "Alive."

     Jazz pulled away, a relieved smile on her face. "Of course I'm alive! You did it! You made it back!" But then her expression turned inquisitive. "What happened to Evil Danny?"

     "W-what?" Danny sputtered, caught off-guard by his sister's question.

     "Your evil future self," Jazz clarified. "What happened to him?"

     "Oh, I-I..." Danny remembered handing the thermos to Clockwork, who had promised to keep an eye on it. "I took care of him. Don't worry."

     Jazz didn't look very reassured. "Okay...? If you say so, but... like..." She gave him a look of concern. "Why was he evil in the first place?"

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