Chapter 30: Psychopomping for Beginners

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It's time for Danny to start learning the next part of his apprentice duties.</p>

WARNING: There is death in this chapter. An old man dies of cardiovascular disease. It's emotional and we're letting you know in case it's a bit personal for you. Please read at your own risk.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


     Danny followed Thanatos out of the room (not without tripping on a few blankets), and into a long, dimly lit underground tunnel. It led out into a huge room, with tall marbled walls and pillars, and a white river cutting through the middle of the floor.

     Danny's gaze lingered on the flowing water. He didn't know why, but... he was having some serious déjà vu. As if... he had seen the river before.

     "Where are we...?" Danny mumbled.

     "Like I told you before, we are in my home," Thanatos replied evenly. "This is the entry hall."

     Danny pointed at the burbling white river. "What's that?"

     "The River Lethe." Thanatos answered. "Do not touch it."


     "Just a drop of its water will make you begin to forget who you are." Thanatos explained. "Mortals, spirits, gods... no one is immune to its touch. Personally, I would say it's the most dangerous of the five rivers of the Underworld."

     Perturbed, Danny took a step back from the water. "And you've just... got it in your house?"


     Danny nodded along as if that made perfect sense. "Of course." He looked back at Thanatos, who had pulled out his iPad. "So, what did you wanna show me?"

     "Through our training sessions, I have concluded that you are a skilled fighter." Thanatos tapped something on his iPad and began to scroll. "So I think that it is time to move on to the next part of your training."

     "Wait, right now?" Danny balked. "After... all that?"

     Thanatos looked up at Danny, and the god's expression was surprisingly cheerful. "Yes," he said simply. "I think it will do you good." He glanced at his tablet once more before putting it away and turning his attention to Danny. "You'll probably want to 'go ghost' for this."

     Danny scowled and looked away, his cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment. "You shut up," he grumbled as he transformed.

     Thanatos merely smiled. "You'll also want to be invisible."

     "Huh? Why? You can still see me," Danny pointed out.

     "Yes, but others cannot."

     Danny was confused, but he did as Thanatos said. The god held out his hand, and Danny took it, glancing at the cave around them once more before they melted into the shadows.

     When they emerged from the darkness, Danny found himself in what looked like a hospital. They were in a long, dimly lit hallway, with muted blue walls and a wood-patterned linoleum floor. One side of the hallway was lined with closed doors, and on the other side was a wall of windows, through which Danny could see into what looked like a courtyard. It was night, and rays of moonlight poked through the blanket of clouds overhead.

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