❖ Chapter 9 ❖

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❖ Edmund ❖

Lizzy and William both smile as they soundly beat Miss Tufton and I at cards. I am not entirely certain Miss Tufton has played Whist before or even understands the rules. She seems more concerned that everyone notice that I am her partner than the actual game play. She is looking around the room smiling, trying to catch the attention of anyone who will give it to her, already declaring several times how happy she is that I asked her to be my partner. Lizzy blinked a few times in annoyance but refrained from rolling her eyes. Our eyes met and her expression made me smile.

But my smile drops rather quickly when I see Will give Lizzy a cheeky wink when they win another hand. I find I want to take her attention away from his flirtatiousness. "Miss Cavendish, how did you come to be so talented at card playing?"

Her green eyes and smile turn to me as Will shuffles and deals the next hand. "It was one of our favorite evening activities when I was growing up. We played many games at home: chess, checkers, whist, piquet, poker. Mr. Havisham was usually on the winning team, he didn't like to lose. He is such an outgoing, good natured man, but oh so competitive. I would love for you to meet him someday." She frowns then and speaks almost to herself. "Oh, I wonder if they have since moved. I never thought about if my cousin kept them on or not." She has spoken of her servants before and it is clear she was close to them. I make a mental note to inquire after their whereabouts.

I wish it wasn't improper for me to take her hand. I don't like the sadness that enters her eyes and I have a desire to comfort her. I offer up an understanding smile, "I hope I am able to meet them one day also." She gives me a small smile and I know I need to make that happen.


After being beaten soundly by William and Elizabeth I cannot say I am sorry to get a new partner. Lord Barkley has claimed Lizzy for the next two games and she seems more pleased about it than necessary. She is smiling at him constantly and Lord Barkley looks like he might drop to his knees and propose at any moment. I think he might need to be called out of town so Lizzy has a chance to meet some of her other prospects.

I am partnered with one of the Miss Elliotts now, as they are twins, I cannot tell them apart. They are beautiful young ladies, around eighteen, I am guessing. They have striking blond hair and blue eyes that divert many a gentlemen's attention. Their clothes are immaculate and their jewelry impressive. But neither girl has ever uttered a word or phrase that was of interest to me. I am sure they wouldn't know an original thought if it was laid before them on a platter.

My mother and Lady Elliott are our opponents and I would just as soon they won or I won't hear the end of it at home. That is unlikely to be a problem because Miss Elliott seems to randomly choose a card to play each time with no regard as to what has already been laid on the table.

"Mother, what do you think of inviting a small group to Beaumont for a week or ten days? I thought a trip to the country might be a nice respite from town." Miss Elliott's interest seems to perk up at this topic.

My mother does not need to appear so surprised at my suggestion. "Parties at Beaumont have no equal. But Edmund, it seems unlike you to ask, are you sure you are feeling entirely well?"

I chuckle, "Yes, mother. I am feeling quite well. I realize I have not hosted many parties. But now that I am getting older, I thought entertaining might be welcome. I was hoping you would have an interest in hosting the event with me."

My mother smiles and I am happy to put a smile on her face. "I think it is a lovely idea, dear. Of course I would love to travel to Beaumont. It has been over two months since I have been home." She thinks for a moment. "Are you sure Mrs. Goode is up to having so many guests?"

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