❀ Chapter 24 ❀

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My arm is taken and I am pulled into Edmund's study. The little door is shut behind me. "Miss Cavendish, so good of you to join me."

I jump in surprise even though I knew I would be seeing him here. His voice has an edge to it, he is not at ease. When I look up at him there is an intensity to his eyes that reminds me of a white-tailed eagle I once saw that descended on a rabbit in our garden. The eyes of the giant bird were a sight to behold as he zeroed in on the rabbit and landed with precision on his prey. I step back from Edmund as I have no intention of becoming the rabbit in that scenario.

Edmund's eyes seem blacker than normal, there is only a small ring of dark blue tonight. He takes a step forward as he says, "Everyone adored your performance tonight, Lizzy. You were mesmerizing up there. If word got out of your talent I have no doubt you would be actively recruited by the London Theatrical Society."

His current mood makes me want to say less than more. In the end I swallow big and come out with, "Mmmm," as I take another step back. Not the most intelligent of responses.

He takes another step forward, "James especially seemed to enjoy the night of performances, did he not? Imagine how happy I was to see you getting along so well with my brother." His tone does not support his claim that he is happy. "I can't even imagine what the two of you had to whisper and laugh about all evening." I remember his glares at James and I in the music room. "Have you added James to your list of potential suitors, without so much as informing me? Hmmm, Lizzy?"

I can't help but laugh at that. He still has the intense look, his eyes are very bright and he is waiting for my answer. "You cannot be serious, Edmund. Although James was kind to help me to the stage when I was so nervous, your brother is a brat and you know it. How could he possibly be a potential suitor?"

Edmund gives the smallest of smiles, his first since I have entered his study. "I am glad to hear you noticed. You are correct in your assessment of him, he is certainly a brat. An immature one at that. He would not make a very good husband." He is still walking forward, I am still walking backwards.

"I never even considered it." I feel the back of me come up against his desk. I have nowhere to retreat to now.

Edmund is still moving forward, his smile faded now, "Do you know why I called you down here this evening, Lizzy?"

I shake my head. My voice comes out as a squeak, "No."

He is right in front of me and I find myself sitting on his desk to move farther away. I slide all the way back so the back of my knees are against the edge of his desktop. He leans forward and places a hand flat on the desk on each side of my legs. "Do you not?" Leaning forward, he raises an eyebrows. I shake my head again. "Hmmm, well just imagine my surprise when I came to my study this evening to do some paperwork and I found a request for this letter to Lord Barkley to be put into the post."

One of his hands has reached over to collect my tease of a letter to Mr. Barkley. He holds it to the side of our faces but he doesn't let his eyes leave mine. Is it possible he doesn't know this letter is a joke?

I cannot move any farther back than I am on his desk and I find my hands have come up to grab onto his arms so I don't fall back entirely. I am momentarily distracted by the fact that Edmund is not wearing a jacket, he is in his shirtsleeves like he was the night he held me. And his upper arms are quite muscular, I can feel every hill and valley on them under my fingertips. It makes me want to stroke my hands up and down to feel them more closely. I try to keep my fingers still.

In my distraction over his muscles, I have waited too long to answer. "Nothing to say, Lizzy? No witty comeback? You are not even going to try to defend your letter?"

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