Chapter One

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Amira's Pov
The official house court affairs was never part of my business. I left all that to my older brother and the rest of the lords. They would sit in that chamber for hours on end, arguing over one thing, and one thing only. The heir to the Ironthrone it was one of the most important figure stances in our many  seven kingdoms. Although for as many years as a Targaryen has ran never has a woman sat on the throne. A political argument that could spark for days. Men could say some of the most idiotic phrases, and still refuse to want a woman on that throne.

My brother himself held his own as a Lord of our own house, sometimes I was allowed to listen in on the audience, if I wasn't lost in my own studies of books.  Recently their had been ten times more audience than usual. After the fatal quick death of the queen and the son who was only here for a day. Matters once again had shifted to the one argument men knew how to have, that and their own pride.

I weighed the heavy book in my grip, listening to the tone of my shoes hitting the stone floor in a enchanting echo, I skimmed my eyes over each page moving my finger across, the castle was always rebellious with  the sight of many knights, maids and then alike. I always was pleased to see princess Rheanyra one of the few Dragon riders of this era.

It was one of the first few days my presence was requested in the chambers of audience with his grace and the lords. With a heavy motion I shut the book holding it in my grip, my eyes aimlessly watching the sight of the gold dress long in length flowing behind me, bowing my head at a few of the knights gesturing towards the door.  They opened it up allowing for me to enter. How lovely a nice meeting filled with my brother and old men. With King Viserys himself .

"Your grace." I bowed my head at him gently entering fully across the stone entrance placing my book to hold behind my back, I arched an  eyebrow towards Corlys way, sending him a simple gaze.

"What do I owe the pleasure of the lords today?" I stopped standing in front of the table, tilting my head to one side focusing on his grace who smiled my way lifting his goblet to drink from his wine with ease.

"There she is, hello Amira, looking beautiful as ever. Always brings me joy to see your presence do tell me again. Where does your rich hair come from?" I faintly smiled, letting my eyes face the floor speaking tilting my head up once in a soft motion.

"My black locks come from my mother, me and my dear brother share two different mothers. Other wise I'm sure I would have the same blue eyes and sliver hair." I sent him a playful wink hearing his chuckle watching him rub the bridge of his nose a couple times. I flicked my eyes to study the lords. One that I was always weary of, Otto Lord Hightower.

He was the sneaky one, he had messengers, spys watching those close of royal line. The rumors make themselves but they don't spread themselves either.

"It has come to all of our attention Lady Amira, that you unlike your brother haven't taken the time to accept any marriage proposals." I gulped a soft nervous chuckle escaping from me, tilting my head around in even more confusion.

"Why yes that is. I just brushed it off, seeing as I have no royal womb." I snickered harshly to myself hearing a few shattered chuckles, my brother sent a simple head shake my way.

"As tempting as it may be Amira, we have decided to make a decision. In hopes of bringing the houses into a more tighter union. The house of Velaryon isn't that far behind in old Valyria blood, you have royal wombs as well. Just as your brother I don't see anything fit wrong with having you finally being married off to someone, and that someone shall be my brother." I usually am better at keeping my composer.

I could crack jokes here and there, make side jokes about marriage and slipping out heirs. But therefore this was my life. The remainder of my life was once again being taken away from me by men itself.

"Excuse me if I may speak your grace. Your brother? Prince Daemon? Excuse me as I may speak ill tone but isn't your brother already married?" My tone was sharp with an edge gripping at my book much harder a little disbelief lingered in my large brown eyes. Everyone knew of the rouge prince. The rumors spread all the way down from Silk Streets. It was his life however, he could live it however he pleased.

"Yes he is quite married to Rhea, but a settled divorce is soon to be happening. More affairs need to be placed in order as an heir is decided. And my two choices of now are from my dear daughter and my brother. I have no sons of right now. Marrying you to Daemon can ensure a lot of things." I held my breath whipping my entire body to stare over at Corlys seeing him pressing his fingers onto the side of his head finally meeting my eye.

"I'm gonna assume this is your suggestion brother, what? You trying to not only buy off my poor nieces but me as well." His eyes held a deep look of not to do this not here, and not know.

A heavy sounding sigh left me, dropping my head down. The anger was an understatement. The rouge Prince was another story. Was I fearful, of him? Never. Did his eyes home a fire in them. Yes they did.

"When are the affairs in place?" I kept my eyes down facing the ground some more hearing the soft murdering coming between the lords.

"It's in place now, the wedding shall commence in the following week."

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