Chapter Seven

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Amira's Pov
With the full moons passing by, Daemon was settled down and in left in leave for a while. Handling his own affairs left him busy in the late nights clouded in his office. While during each moon I watched my stomach swell with size. It was something all mothers talked about good pregnancies the bad.

Mid wives spoke of seeing all kinds of things, babies not coming out of the womb, mothers dying and the infant living both dying or just miscarriages. It was a scary thought left to your thoughts at night rubbing at your stomach through your nightgown.

I held the round bump gazing out into the open breeze window, the size of the mist and fog was always beautiful to watch during the nights. Little soft hums leaving my lips, dismissing the maids for the night, sending a smile their way. I heard their footsteps descending from the area leaving me to my thoughts. I found my head tilting into the direction when the bedroom door open hearing Daemon entering inside.

"You are back early husband? Everything okay?" I questioned turning to face him in confusion seeing the exhaustion washed over his face before he went a soft smile my way.

"There's my beautiful love... I was just attending a meeting with your brother I had thought you would have been resting you know you whine when you don't sleep." I rolled my eyes playfully in his direction, folding both hands over my stomach watching him kneel down in front of me rubbing his head against the bump in place cradling it with his hands.

My own hands found it way into the length of his soft looking hair, gently stroking at it watching him enter the room. I could see all the emotions running rapid in his eyes.

"You want to go to the stepping stones with my brother don't you Daemon?" I didn't think he was expecting me to know so quickly. After being around him from some time you could just tell from his mannerisms.

"I-" He paused shaking his head a couple times, I made him tilt his head up to gaze into my eyes even more. I sent a smile down his way.

"Daemon I think you forget how clever I am, I know my brothers is going to the stepping stones. He's been upset since Alicent Hightower's marriage was announced, I'll give you my voice, I'll miss you dearly but if this is what you want to prove your worth to your brother. You have my blessings."  I chuckled holding his head gently. I then urged him up to come rest on the large bed with me, holding his large hands in my own hold his eyes held uncertainty.

"I want nothing more than that.. But Amira only the gods know how long I'll be gone, this is my first born child.. Our child I'll be damned if I miss it, what if something bad happens I can't risk it." I held his hands much further in my grip shifting my body to face him to the full max, a soft chuckle leaving me.

"Daemon when I was agreed to be married off to you, I wanted you to prove those rumors different to me yes? And from the many moons of us being married I have seen a different side of you are so caring your heart.. It's just very guarded and reversed for those that deserve it alright. You've been an amazing husband to me, to us." I grabbed both his hands to place on top of my belly with sweetness exhaling.

"We either will be here, or in Kings landing waiting for the day to see you again. Do this one thing for yourself for me okay?" The pain flashed across his eyes in a matter of seconds watching him squeeze them tightly for a moment, before bowing his head letting his hair fly into his view.

Before a brief head nod was sent back towards me. He scooted closer to me in the bed, cupping at my face with both his hands cradling it my cheeks bones stroking his thumbs in place watching the way he leaned his temple towards my own leaning in firmly to press a lingering kiss to my lips deeply.

"You've shown me nothing but kindness Amira. Your sassy and witty personality you are more than worthy to be my wife, to carry our children. I won't forget you and every day I'll try my best to get closer back to home. I'll leave tonight I just wanna hold you one last time maybe hear you cracking jokes." I smiled at him some more exhaling in amusement raising my hands to hold his forearms.

"The bed won't be warm without you." He snorted gazing into my eyes deeply stroking at my cheeks even more, amusement flicking in his gaze.

"Only because you throw your entire body weight over me in the morning, and are on my back." My own snort tore through me shaking my head quickly shaking with laughter I moved to rest my head on the crook of his neck nuzzling into the soft spot. His scent.. I wanted to remember it as long as I could. War was unpredictable, long and timeless. I felt his warm arms secure over my body bringing me closer sitting me into his lap pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

"I love you with all my heart."

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