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Ignore my grammatical mistakes



Principal Rome, read out his name loud.

Principal: "Again, the same complaint."
"Why can't you stay out of trouble?"

After hearing this, Ohm just smiled at him while the other two of his friends controlled their laughter and stood behind him.

"And you two, Drake and Perth! What's so funny is that you guys are laughing, huh? Do you know what you guys did?"

Ohm: "Yes, we just beat the shi-I mean, we just beat them for misbehaving with our school girl, and I'm not feeling sorry for it."

Drake: "Me too, I'm happy that I got a chance to beat that bas-nevermind."

The principal just signed that

Principal: "You guys did a good thing by helping the girl, but you should have been careful because you guys got caught in that CCTV footage. The restaurant owner helped you guys, as you did some good by helping her, but I too know that those guys are your rivals, and that's the main reason you fought with them, am I right?"

The three just shook their heads, shouting "No."

Principal: "I'm going to inform your parents."

Perth: "Even if you do, they'll appreciate our help, but we just don't want to disturb our parents, so please give us a last chance."

Ohm: "Uncle, please just this one last time."

Principal: "Okay, I'm giving you one last chance. Don't you guys dare to do that again? And for the heroic stunt you did yesterday, which was excellent, your prize is to clean the first-year high school junior block for this whole month. I already checked your schedules, you don't have any classes anymore.
"So start the work form today."

Drake and Perth: "WHAT? NOO!"

Ohm: "OKAY"

They all said at the same time that Drake and Perth glared at Ohm.

The two are extremely upset. As for Ohm, it's not a big deal as bad as being asked to do homework.

Ohm: "We'll take our leave."
With that, he dragged them both out.

"Why the heck did you accept it? What got into you?" Drake shouted once they were out of the office.

Ohm: "I heard there are many hot and cute girls and boys in our junior block.
The cafeteria foods in the junior block are so good.
If you guys don't want to, I'll talk to him."

Ohm pretended like he was going inside but got stopped by both Drake and Perth.

Perth: "We are at fault, so we should take this punishment, right, Drake?"

Drake: "Yes! I'm okay with cleaning. Come on, Ohm, let's go and start our duty. You know duty comes first."

They both started to run from there to the junior block.
Ohm just rolled his eyes and followed them.

Soon they reached the junior block.

Ohm: "I think let's start our work from upstairs."

The two nodded and went upstairs.

Sensei Nam: "I'm going to announce the results of the last month's test."
Sensei Nam muttered the name on the last remaining answer sheet in his hand.

Starting with the lowest score, the announcement was made, and everyone in the class knew that the last remaining paper had the highest score in the room, everyone in the class had already guessed that the owner of this paper would be Nanon.

"Nanon Korapat Kirdpan got the most points again... Congratulations."

Drake dragged them to one of the junior classes.

Drake: "Let's go fast. I heard this class has so many cute girls."

The two stood a little far from the window and started looking inside the class. Ohm was just roaming his eyes everywhere, boringly, and his eyes got stuck on one person who was receiving the exam paper


Who's he? Why can't I move my eyes away from him? Oh god, why is he looking so cute?
He's tall, I guess he's 169 or 171cm shorter than me with a cute haircut like a bowl. Also, the most highlighted one is his Harry Potter glasses, which are so cute, like a little kitten.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Darke called.

Darke: "Why are you looking at that mushroom boy?"

Ohm: "Mushroom?"

Well, kind of. I looked at him again. Okay, I got Why they're calling him mushroom

Ohm: "You know him?"

Perth: "Who doesn't? He's the top student of junior sessions, we heard his close friends call him Nan, also known as 'mushroom', "typical nerd."

Darke: "Some students don't like him because he is smart, while some adore his innocence."

Don't like him. Wow, how can someone hate this kitten? Whatever blind bitch.

Wait, how the heck do they know everything about this kitten?

Ohm: "How do you guys know about him so much?"

"We both are gossip kings," Darke and Perth said at the same time.

I rolled my eyes. These two are sometimes so annoying.

I saw Nan's kitten looking around the class curiously, and he suddenly turned towards me, locking our eyes with each other.

Those eyes are the most innocent eyes I've ever seen. How can someone's eyes be this beautiful from this far away? I saw him quickly turn his face to avoid my eye contact. I smirked

Oh kitten, my eyes are locked on you. There is no way to escape now.

We'll meet soon.

I turned towards Darke and Perth, they stood there for some time while I was waiting for them.

"Let's go, guys."

They nodded, and we all went from there.


I felt a great feeling. First, I looked around the room, and everyone was cheering for me. Of course, there is one person who is looking at me full of rage with a fake smile.
I bowed to them and went back to my seat. Chimon side hugged me sensei left the class after the distribution of the test paper.

"You should treat me," Chimon said with a grin I nodded while chuckling

I looked around the class, who are now giggling and some are squealing, and of course, I'm being a curious guy. I looked outside the room, and three strangers that I had never seen before were looking at our class.

They stood not far from our classroom and looked into it.

According to the way they are dressed, they may be students of this school and maybe seniors.

One of them collided with my eyes.

I quickly turned my face and started to read my book.

My mind went back to the guy who had fierce eyes, which stared through my soul, sending a shiver through my whole body.
I want to know about him, but I don't dare to look at that place again because I'm afraid.

"Nanon idiot, stop being a curious idiot," he scolded himself. I saw chimon looking in their direction and we heard girls shouting.

"Huh. Huh, P'Ohm's group over there?"

"Yes, yes, what are they doing?

"I don't know. Looks like cleaning work."

"He's so handsome. Aww, how can someone be this hot?"

I could hear the whispers of the two girls in the back seat. They were talking about one of the three seniors.

While trying not to look, I glanced outside the classroom again out of curiosity.

This time because he wasn't looking. I still don't see eye-to-eye. Looking at him talking to his friends, the girls said yes.

"He's good at fighting. The other day, he kicked the boys from another school who came to our school to challenge him."

"Agree, he's the only one who can do it in every fight. If he's not there, the match won't be over, he will be in every fight."

I was amazed at those two classmate girls who were bragging about a fight that wasn't something to be proud of.
It's so scary on the battlefield.

They still want him.

"They are so cool" I heard chimon saying I rolled my eyes I knew he was into fighting and hot guys.

"Huh. Non. Don't think much of that kind of person." I muttered in my mind as my lips curled up. I think they went back after a while.

All three are no longer in the room. The two girls have gone silent.

It's okay, I don't need to think about them anymore.

Focusing on myself, I started to write.



♡━━━━━━━━ - ━━━━━━━♡

Well, that's it for this chapter see you guys in the next chapter♡

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