
356 27 1

Ignore my grammatical mistakes

>>Previous chapter

They still want him.
It's not a good letter.
"Huh. Non. Don't think much of that kind of person." I muttered in my mind as my lips curled up. I think they went back after a while.
All three are no longer in the room. The two girls have gone silent.
It's okay; I don't think about them anymore.
Focusing on myself, I started to write.

"The three of you have made the same mistakes on homework," their math sensei said while showing their notebook.
Ohm Perth Drake looked bored at the notes, as it's not new for them to do such things.

Sensei: "Both the person who copied and the person who gave the copy would be guilty of the same mistake"
All three rolled their eyes.
"It's not like we did some kind of crime." And with that answer,
The three were outside the classroom  and stood side by side.
"We are proud to welcome ourselves." Ohm Perth and Darke said, kneeling on the ground and raising their hands.
The three are chilling without caring about their surroundings, as they are quite experienced in receiving these kinds of punishment.
But Ohm's eyes widened when he saw Nan kitten.
He didn't want to ruin his already-ruined image in front of Nan.
"What is he doing here?" Ohm asked while slapping Drake's arms out of panic.
"Who knows? And WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BEATING ME, SATH? IT HURTS!" Darke shouted, making Nanon look in their direction.
Ohm quickly stood up after Nanon, looking in their direction, and leaned on the wall.
Nanon pressed his lips together not to smile at the view.
"How many times have I warned you not to do any kind of bratty things?" Ohm said, looking at Perth and Darke, who looked at him with widened eyes.
Perth looked to the side to see Nanon.
Perth smirked, looking at Ohm, who was understanding the assignment, while Drake was about to shout, but Ohm pleaded with him to shut up.
"I'll treat you," Ohm mouthed, making Darke nod his head but still confused.
But these acts didn't go unnoticed by Nanon, who chuckled lightly.

"Aww, I never knew these dangerous-looking people could be cute too," Nanon thought while looking at them, especially Ohm.
Nanon shook his head. "What am I even thinking? Did I just call him cute? Argh, something happened to me!" Nanon screamed in his mind. He looked at Ohm, who quickly turned away, avoiding Nanon's eye contact.
Ohm saw Nanon going to their classroom.
He saw Nanon handing some files to the teacher through the window.
He saw Nanon coming out, so he quickly stood straight, stretching his arms.
When Nanon came out
"Oh, hi junior," Ohm said, making Nanon flinch lightly.
He greeted him back.
"I'm just teaching some manners to them," Ohm said with a smile. Nanon, controlling his smile, nodded his head and went from there. Ohm smiled, looking at the way Nanon went.
He turned while smiling and was startled when he saw his sensei standing there, crossing his arms.
"Good morning, sir. How are you doing?" Ohm asked and saw Nanon disappearing from his sight. Ohm sighed. He looked at his sensei and smiled nervously, kneeling to continue his punishment.
Their sensei glared at him one last time and went from there.
Ohm looked at his two friends; one was smirking, while the other was looking at everything dumbfounded.
"Ohm, Is there anything you want to say?" Perth teasingly asked, making Ohm look everywhere except at Perth.
"Hey, what are you hiding from us?" Darke asked while Ohm sighed, knowing he couldn't escape from there.

"You saw Nan, right?" Ohm asked, looking at Drake.
"What is there to do with the junior for your sudden weird action?" Drake asked. He rolled his eyes at his dumb friend.
"He is the main reason for my weird change," Ohm said, sitting down on the floor. The two sat down, forgetting about their punishment.
"Oh, what got into you? You were never like this," Drake said, making Ohm sigh.
"I know; I still don't know what's going on. I'm confused. Why should I even care about my image in front of him? Argh, the whole school knows about us, but still, I don't want him to see me in this state. It will ruin my image in front of him."
"As if there is one," Perth said, making Drake laugh.
Drake: "True, ohm, we only have a bad boy image."
Ohm: "I know; you don't have to remind me that."
"Do you think you have feelings for him?" Perth asked, making Ohm's eyes wide.
He gulped while looking at Perth.
"I don't know anything about him; you guys are the ones who said everything about him. A week ago was the first time I saw him. How can I have feelings for him in just one week?"
Drake: "Dude, it's possible to have feelings in just one day. I've never seen one before, but now I'm seeing you."
Ohm sighed while moving his hair back in frustration.
Ohm: "This is making me crazy."
"Love makes everyone crazy," Drake said, making Perth laugh at Ohm's situation.
"YOU BRATS" Their sensei's shout made them flinch. They all again kneeled and looked up at their sensei, smiling.
"Don't repeat the same mistake," he said, and he went out of the class as soon as it was over.
"He should have told us the class was over rather than scaring us," Perth said, getting up from the ground.
Ohm: "Let's go to junior block."
"Huh? For what?"Drake asked with a smirk.
"For cleaning, "Ohm said, and he started to walk. They both smirked.
"Oh oh," Perth and Drake teased Ohm till they reached the junior block, Ohm ignored their complete existence, feeling flustered.



I went back to my class and sat beside Chimon, who was looking outside and tapping the bench out of boredom.
And he's sulking.
I looked at Chimon and asked, "What happened?"
Chimon: "I'm sulking; don't talk to me."
"Why have you left me alone in this war? Sensei sent you to the senior block, where all the hot boys are, and here I'm listening to his boring lecture. You betrayed me," Chimon said with a fake cry. I smacked his head lightly.
"Idiot, walking to the senior block is not so fun, but..." I stopped thinking about P'ohm, who was trying hard to pretend like a good boy.
I chuckled, remembering him. Chimon looked at me. I quickly avoided his gaze.
Chimon: "Did something happen in the senior block? What happened? Spill the milkshake."
Nanon: "Milkshake?"
"I don't like tea, "Chimon said with a gag. I shook my head and turned another way.
"Hey, come on, spill the milkshake; I'm curious," Chimon said, shaking my arms.
I know I can't lie to him, and I'm bad at lying.
I looked at him.
"Nothing special I saw P'ohm and his other two friends receiving punishment for something I don't know, but P'ohm pretended to teach manners to his other friends, which made me laugh. That's it."Nanon said with a chuckle. Chimon looked at him with wide eyes.
"Are you serious, it's a big thing! he just pretended to be a good person in front of you!"Chimon said, shaking Nanon by his shoulder.
"So what? He just wanted to save his image in front of his junior, nothing else." Nanon said saving himself from chimon hands.
"Oh, boy, you don't know about P'Ohm's group.
They don't care about what others think, they mostly do what they like; they don't pretend to be good people.
It's impossible!" Chimon said it was making me confused, how does he know so much about them just in one week?
Nanon: "You saw them before a week, how do you know so much about them?"
"One day is enough for this detective to know every important thing about this school, and that too, they are the most famous and important in this school. How can I miss it?" Chimon said proudly that he had achieved some kind of award.
Nanon: "What is there to be proud of? First, finish your yesterday's homework."
"Oh, don't remind me of that devil." Chimon cried, then turned towards me with puppy eyes.
Nanon: "Don't even think about copying my homework."
"Please be my only best friend. You are the only person who can help me, na na na." Chimon started to nag, and I knew he wouldn't stop nagging until I gave him my homework.
"Argh, fine, here, but don't you dare expect my homework next time," I warned him, but this is not the first. I already warned him from our preschool, who never listened, and I always gave in to his puppy eyes.
"Aww, my Nanon is the best," Chimon said while hugging me and taking my homework. He started to do his copying work.



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Well, that's it for this chapter see you guys in the next chapter💜💙

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