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An annoying, blaring alarm rang in my ears as I groaned, rolling in my bed to face my night stand. I blindly swung my arm around and began patting to find my alarm clock. I turned of the irritating noise as soon as I found the button and groaned again, peeking form underneath my white silk eye mask. My clock read 5:30 am and I sighed before getting out of bed.

I made my way into the kitchen to find Rory already stood by the coffee pot, waiting for it to finish brewing

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I made my way into the kitchen to find Rory already stood by the coffee pot, waiting for it to finish brewing.

"Hi," I slurred tiredly.

"Hey," Rory replied before reaching into the cupboard and getting out a second mug.

The pot was finally done so I pulled it away from the machine and pored the hot liquid into the mugs. With out saying another word to each other Rory and I returned to our rooms and closed the doors.

 With out saying another word to each other Rory and I returned to our rooms and closed the doors

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I made my way over to my dressing table to put my coffee down before making my bed

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I made my way over to my dressing table to put my coffee down before making my bed.
I was soon done and sat down to take a sip of coffee. I took out a basket full of hair stuff and grabbed my curling wand, heat protectant and hairspray.

I probably spent about 40 minutes curling my hair. I quickly turned off the curling wand and wrapped it in the heat proof mat that I was using. I shoved the wand back into it's basket and dropped my arms in relief. They were aching from keeping the curling wand in the air. I stared at the can of hairspray and grabbed it, flipping my head over and coating the strands of hair.

I put everything away and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth. Toothbrush still in hand, I danced around the bathroom out if boredom. Once I was finished, I grabbed an over the top, bejewelled headband to push my hair back so that I could wash my face.

I reentered my bedroom and sat down at my dressing table again to finish my skin care and put on some light makeup. Some mascara, brow gel, concealer, blush, lipgloss, some powder and maybe some setting spray to set.

Walking over to my bed, I looked at my uniform and backpack which I'd laid out earlier. I'd put off thinking about the nerves all morning but I was about to put on my uniform. About to head to school. About to start at said school. I felt it coming up my throat ran to the bathroom.

I rushed to the door but it was locked. I started banging on the door again and again.

"RORY!" I managed to choke.

Rory unlocked and opened the door, midway through brushing her teeth. She was already in her uniform forcing my nerves to grow. I barged passed her and rushed to the toilet. Opening the lid just in time and spewing puke in the toilet bowl.

I heard Rory put down her toothbrush and rush to my side, pulling my hair back and rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"MOM!" She yelled, "It's happening again!"

I barfed again into the bowl whimpering. Rory shushed me soothingly telling me that it's all ok and that I'd be fine.


A little while later I was sat on the toilet, my sister stood above me cradling my head and stroking my hair.

"Nerves?" Rory asked. I mumbled in repose. She moved to crouch in front of me, "Lottie Gilmore, we are going to be FINE."

"I know," I mumbled.

"Mmm," Rory groaned, "Vomit breathe."

I stifled a giggle, "Sorry. Maybe I should brush my teeth again."

I brushed my teeth again whilst Rory finished brushing hers. I returned to my bedroom and began to change into my uniform.

 I returned to my bedroom and began to change into my uniform

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Once I'd finished changing, I sprayed some perfume. YSL, Mon Paris, a gift for my last birthday. I shoved some pearl barrettes in both sides of my hair, to keep my hair out of my face. I checked my bag to make sure I had everything, including some new locker decorations, Mom had help me make, before shrugging my bag over my shoulder and hurried downstairs.

I grabbed a 6 pack of Old Jamaica ginger beer cans and slotted them into the remaining space of my backpack.


"Where is she?" I groaned at Rory from across the dining table.

"I don't know!" She groaned back, "MOM! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

We both got up and hurried over to the stairs. Rory began to bound up them whilst I waited by the door, tapping my shoe in impatience.

Suddenly, Rory was back downstairs with Mom behind her in a very questionable outfit.

"Mom, what are you wearing?" I asked.

"Don't get her started," Rory said, "lets just say that just because something is fury does not mean its ahead of it's time. If anything, it's quite behind."

"Ugh ok ok!" Mom groaned as she tied her hair up and grabbed a black trench coat in an attempt to conceal the hot pink t-shirt, denim shorts and white cowgirl boots that she was wearing.

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