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"I can't believe that that dad was flirting with Mom!" Rory exclaimed as we hurried out of the office. We'd just said bye to Mom who was still in the Head Master's office with Grandma.

"I know I guess she's still got it," I sighed.

"What even is 'it'?"

"I don't know," was my response as we walked up to the front desk to get our timetables and locker numbers.


I grunted lightly as I pressed down the final butterfly to the inside of the locket door. Rory was somewhere else in the school, trying to find her locker.

"That's pretty," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see a beautiful blonde girl.

"Thanks," I looked back at my locker.

"Thanks," I looked back at my locker

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*AN this is just a vague idea*

A couple of my text books were lined up on the top shelf, I was using a gold metal pencil pot, full of pens, as a book end. The ginger beer, that I'd packed, lined the bottom shelf.

"I'm Louise," the girl said, extending her hand.

"Charlotte but I go by Lottie," I said shaking it.

"You new?"

"Yeah," I said.

"What's your next class?" Louise asked as another girl appeared at her side.


"Cool," the girl piped up, "you might be in our's. I'm Madeline."


"Well we have about a minute before class so we should probably go," Louise said, "walk with us?"

"Sure!" I said, shutting my locker.


I sat in the second row from the back in my history class. But I was basically at the back since there was an empty seat behind me. Rory was also in my class, sat to the left of me.

My teacher was droning on about Russia and France and every question he asked, some girl sat row front of me would answer without hesitation. I could tell that Rory was intimidated by her. She was used to being the smartest girl in class, that's why we moved to Chilton, public school was too easy and Harvard doesn't do easy.

I probably wouldn't of moved, if it weren't for the arts department at Chilton. I was one of the smart kids at Stars Hollow High, but nothing compared to Rory, smart enough to be about average at Chilton. I want to be an actor but realistically laws what I'm planning on going into. But I thought that I might as well enjoy acting for as long as possible, before hopefully studying law at Yale.

Suddenly a blonde boy walked into the classroom.

"Ah," the teacher sighed, "Mr Dugray."

"Sir," the boy responded as he handed the teacher a note.

"Nice to have you back, hope your grandfather's better."

"Much better Sir."

"Good," the teacher said quite passive aggressively, "Take your seat."

The boy began to ponder down the isle, past my desk. I felt his eyes on me as I made an attempt to keep my gaze straight ahead. However, there was a brief moment where I spared a glance at him.

He was looking at me. I was looking at him. Our eyes were looking at each other. They were blue. His eyes, not mine. Well my eyes are blue but not like his. His were blue, but not blue. Not warm blue, not cool blue. The type of blue that was warm enough to be comforting, but not too warm where you feel like you're going to pass out from how warm you are. But they were also that cool blue that sends a light shiver down your spine, but not so much so that your entire body gets goose bumps. The type of 'not blue' blue, which is a comforting warm, but not too warm and cool enough that you get a light shiver down your back, but not so much so that your actually cold.

We were looking at each other for a moment, not even a second. And then I looked away.

The chair creaked as he sat down and leaned forward to rest on his forearms. I could feel and hear his steady breathing behind my head. Much different to my quick and uneven breath.

The chair creaked again as his voice moved to the left in hushed tones, "Whose that?"

"Newby," another boy whispered, "there's two of them, twins I think."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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