Sam feels his heart drop and his blood run cold. He completely forgets about Martin and Benny, beelining for the car and speeding off.

As Sam drives, he tries to call Larissa.

"The person you are trying to reach is unavailable." 

Sam's jaw clenches, the worry filling him even more as he presses on the gas pedal harder.


Sam pulls up to the motel, not caring how crappy his parking his. He gets out, pounding on the door he knows belongs to Larissa's room. 

Larissa wakes up to the pounding on the door which confuses but also freaks her out. She grabs the gun from the nightstand and quietly gets up.

The person continues to pound on the door and she looks through the peephole. Larissa unlocks the door and opens it.

"Sam, what's going on?" She asks.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Are you guys hurt?" Sam asks, stepping up to her. He puts one hand on her stomach and the other on the side of her ead.

"We're-- we're fine, Sammy." Larissa says.

"Are you sure? Do we need to go to the hospital or anything?" Sam asks. He shuts the door and gently drags Larissa to the bed, making her sit down. Larissa puts the gun on the bed as Sam sits on his knees in front of her.

"Sam, I'm okay. The baby and I are both okay." Larissa promises. Sam kisses her on the lips before cradling her stomach, rubbing his thumbs over it.

"But you-- you texted me." Sam says.

"No, I didn't." Larissa denies.

"Yes, you did. You-- you said something might be wrong with the baby. You told me to come back." Sam says.

"Sam, I haven't texted you in hours." Larissa says. "I've been asleep for, like, at least two."

"What?" Sam asks and Larissa nods. "But-- but..." Sam seems to realize something. He lets out a humorless chuckle. "That fucking asshole." He whispers, gently resting his forehead against Larissa's stomach.

"Sammy?" She asks.

"Nevermind. I-- it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Sam says, sitting up. "Are you sure you two are okay?"

"Yes." Larissa nods. She pulls Sam closer and kisses him. "We're okay." Sam sighs in relief, bringing her into a hug.

~ ~ ~

Larissa fell back asleep and Sam is sitting next to her, watching her chest move up and down evenly with her breathing.

Sam gets up and softly kisses her on the head. He goes to her stomach and rubs it a bit before kissing it.

"Love you guys." He whispers. He leaves a note saying he'll be at the bar that's a couple blocks away.

~ ~ ~

Sam is sitting at the bar and takes his phone out, looking at the text that says it's from Larissa. He clicks on the number and it rings a few times before it's answered by the voice Sam knows all too well.


""Sammy, I need you to come back. I think something's wrong. It might be the baby. Come quick, please."" Sam recites. "Nice one. Swapping Lissy's number out with a burner, sending a distress signal... you got me real good. When did you do that?"

"A little bit ago. Just in case I ever needed it. Looks like I made the right call." Dean says. "She okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, both her and the baby are fine. But, of course, you knew that, didn't you?" Sam remarks.

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