Luffy influence

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The scene change to luffy running from a wild boar and jump into a river . Luffy continue to drown but its saved by Garp.

"You sank like a rock as always" said Garp who started to scold Luffy

"That's Luffy when he was younger?" said Usopp who couldn't believe it

"So he never knew how to swim" said Nami

"That's why we always remember him as Anchor" said Shanks happy to see kid Luffy again

"You can't become a great Navy soldier like that"

"I'm not gonna become a Navy soldier!"

"You must become the strongest Navy soldier In the world"

"I don't want to!" Garp start raising his fist to hit Luffy "I'm gonna live more freely than that!" Garp start to get frustrated at Luffy response.

Sengoku after watching this scene understood that Garp was good for nothing not even razing a child. Dragon after seeing this regretted that he left Luffy white his father.

Ace got up and start yelling at Garp "Gramps you never understood that we never wanted to be marines"

Garp pissed off start yelling back "And what to let you 3 become pirates"

Sabo wanting to yell at him to but he wanted to show up when the 3 brother meet for the first time.

The scene change to when Shanks fist ported in the Foosha Village. The screen show Luffy who was running to the ship direction

"Are you guys pirates?"

"Yes , we are. Do you have a problem with it?"

"Who is that little girl" ask Nami but befor someone answer the screen did it for her

"If so, you can tell me. I'm Captain Shanks'daughter, Uta"

Multiple people said at the same time "Eh you have a daughter" even the marines and revolutionary never heard about the Emperor having a daughter.

Before they become calm they were hit again by the unexpected

"if you're pirates, go away!'

All the straw hats hit the floor they never expected there captain to say something like that, even people who heard the news about the super rookie were surprised.

"Stop it, Uta."

"We're not here to fight. I didn't know there was a tough sheriff in this village"

"Who are you?"

"I'm shanks, the captain of this ship"

"If you trouble us, I'll make you pay for it"

The radoms marines couldn't believe there eyes, was this the man that worth 300.000.000 Berries . The same reaction was for those that never meet him.

The screen move to different scene of Luffy and the red hair , before it hit the scene when they were planning to leave. Garp saw that Luffy was more happy with the pirate compare to him when he was coming in the village.

The screen now show Luffy who was standing on Shanks ship trying make him take along him.

"Hey, Luffy! What are you trying to do?!"

"Wait something is weird about Luffy face" as Usopp said that Shanks realizes what going to happened

"I need to hide before its to late" heirng that his crew start laughing at him knowing the outcome

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