Separate ways

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The screen started to show the moment when Sabo stolen a fisherman boat

Ace now looking at Sabo asked him "Is this the moment you lost your memories"

Sabo could only respond whit a quit "yes" felling guilty for missing all this years with his brother

As the ship come closer to the giant ship of the Celestial Dragons . The scope of a weapon was targeting the Sabo ship.

"Commoner!" the celestial dragon takes the shot and explode part of Sabo ship making it to cache fire

The revolutionary were angry seeing how celestial dragons didn't give a dam about the lives of normal people acting like some babies whit infinite power. Garp always disliked the celestial dragons making him never wanting to become an admiral but the sight of Sabo dying at there hands made him angry ready to kill one of them himself.

"How rude is that!" the celestial continue with his annoying tone

Sabo now trying to stop the fire with his cloths "Why did they shoot me like that?"

"When someone flies a black flag, he's a pirate regardless of who he is" Doflamingo was enjoying the view and started to laugh

"A commoner shouldn't cross the path of my ship!!" he then take another shot this time destroying the ship.

"Sabo why did you do it" Koala never asked him the question before knowing that he lost his memories

"They separate me from my brothers. For them I was only a toll so they can reach higher status"

"When they saw that it was to hard to do that they adopted a child to do that very thing. And now he is the king of  Goa Kingdom achiving what they wanted"

" I couldn't return to my brothers as most likely would take me back and get them in more danger. And I decide to go to sea to never become a rotten noble like them."

The revolutionary were sick hearing this but relieved to hear that Sabo had his heart  the same even before he lost his memories. Even the marines were disgusts at wath they heard.

The screen now shows Sabo who was trying to stay on a wooden plank and started to sink. He was trying to say some words but the crowd could her him "Ace...Luffy...Help me...Somebody...Help..."

Sabo manage to get a hand out of the water and someone grabs it and save him. The person was Dragon now angry at the sight of the beaten and dying kid.

Garp was relive that his son end up saving Sabo, even he tough that Sabo died that day

"After that I joined the revolutionary and the rest is history. Now I am the second in command"

The weakling trio after hearing this started to yell "What wrong whit this family!!"

Ace turn his head in there direction "What, just a normal family"

Luffy was laying face down in grass. Ace approached him and giving Luffy a punch to the head.

"How long are you gonna keep moping" his answer make Luffy grip the hat

"All the treasure we hid in the middle forest is gone" Ace was now looking at Sabo

"Maybe it was stolen by survivors from Bluejam's crew , or maybe the military found it...I don't know where it is now"

"I had a felling did you take it Sabo" he only answer with only a yes

"It's good then, knowing that the treasure could've help your adventure on the sea"

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