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"What the fuck are you, by the way?"

"What do you mean, what am I? I'm a shark! Isn't it obvious?" The red-head said, his grin bright against his face, revealing his interlocking teeth as he held his hand out for the other to shake. "Eijirou Kirishima, nice to meet ya!" Bakugou didn't take his hand, instead scoffing at the answer to his question, cocking an eyebrow as he peered down at the boy (shark?)'s human body.

"You're not a fucking shark. I've seen heaps of sharks, you look nothing like them!" He accused, and Kirishima shrugged, dropping his hand.

"I mean, my mum is a shark, my dad's a shark, and my fin is a shark's, so... yeah, pretty sure I'm a shark, dude." he grinned despite Bakugou's grouchy attitude, and pointed at his teeth with his webbed finger, the slightly sharpened flesh of his finger being poked by the sharpness. "See, even my teeth are sharky, bro."

"Yeah, sure, you look half shark-like, I guess, but the top half of you looks like me... as in, like, human." Katsuki gestured to Kirishima's human half, then back to himself, almost comparing the two.

"I mean, yeah. I'm not fully a shark, duh." He said, staring at the blonde like he was an idiot, an eyebrow raised to further emphasise the blonde's idiocy. Katsuki sighed, rubbing his temples as he became vaguely aware of a minor headache throbbing behind his eyes.

"Fuck this, I actually don't give a shit." he relented, throwing his hands up in the air as he made to stand up, stretching his arms up. He felt his back pop as his muscles got some much needed movement, loosening his taut back, and despite the screams of his overworked and exhausted muscles, the movement and stretch provided a small relief to his extremely tense body. 'God, sleeping on the rough ground did not do wonders for my back'. There was silence for a few seconds, but it was quickly replaced by the sounds of Kirishima's questions.

"So, what about you, dude? What are you? Ooh, and what's your name?" He asked, deep red eyes widening as he stared at the standing ash-blonde, shooting questions at him with a smile on his face, fin wagging slightly behind him as he awaited a response.

The blonde groaned again, sitting back down and crossing his legs together. May as well answer his questions, since he couldn't find an easily accessible way out when he checked earlier. Not unless he felt like climbing the walls of this grotto, with absolutely no equipment... which he was not game enough to do.

"My name is Bakugou. And I'm a human." His voice remained low and gruff, but the shark smiled even brighter, and he flipped his fin back and forwards slightly, its wagging growing more intense. The motion almost reminded the blonde of a dog patiently and excitedly waiting for a treat.

"Bakubro! What a cool name, dude!"

"It's fucking Ba-ku-go-u, not baku-bro. Fucking idiot." The last part was muttered under his breath, barely an escape of air through his lips to express his frustration, the blonde tilting his head back so his eyes looked up at the stalactites lining the roof of the grotto he currently resided within. The shark-boy giggled softly at his reaction, hiding his mouth behind hands scattered with scales.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds funny. Bakubro, what does that last word mean?" Bakugou wasn't sure if his cluelessness was the result of innocence, or idiocy, and it took every ounce of self restraint he had to keep him from yelling at the man in front of him.

"It's what you are. You're a fucking idiot." The blonde replied, his tone extremely monotonous in an attempt to deter the redhead from continuing the conversation, but Kirishima shook his head, completely missing every single sign the blonde was showing him.

"Nah man, I'm a shark." Katsuki face palmed, feeling as though if this conversation continued, his hair may very well turn grey before the age of 20.

"Yeah, you're a shark, but you're also a fucking idiot." He repeated the phrase once again, irritation slowly leaking into his voice, and Kirishima just laughed, shrugging.

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