Part 2

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Amber and Patrick were waiting for me at the beach. They didn’t look happy.

Amber looked at Patrick. “Look who finally showed up!” She pointedly turned her back towards me.

Patrick did the same and said, “I don’t think we should invite her to the beach with us next time.”

God, they are such drama queens, but they’re also my best friends so I love them. Amber is absolutely beautiful, with blonde hair and green eyes and an amazing body. She was anorexic when I first met her though. She got passed that. We don’t talk about it much anymore. Patrick is flamboyantly gay. He’s very conscious of his looks (he looks a little like Zac Efron in my opinion. I told him that once. He blushed and said, “Oh, stop it!”). He’s a little in your face at times and it can be a bit unnerving when you first meet him, but he’s a real sweetheart once you get to know him. I didn’t want them mad at me though.

“C’mon you guys! I’m really sorry. Can’t I make it up to you?”

Without even looking at me, Patrick answered. “Not even you getting me into a Lady Gaga concert could make it up to me!”

“What if I buy you guys ice cream?”

They both turned around and said “OK!” together. We started walking over to the ice cream cart. The sand felt warm beneath my toes. I could have buried my feet in it and stayed there the whole day taking pictures of people. That was what I spent most of the summer doing, actually, but school was about to start again so there wouldn’t be much more time for that sort of thing. I looked over to where Patrick and Amber were trying to tackle each other. I called over to them.

“You guys can go tackle each other in the water. I’ll bring you the ice cream.”

Patrick had succeeded in tackling Amber and was now running towards the ocean. Amber, after pulling herself out of the sand, gave me a huge smile and thumbs up and proceeded to chase him. I wasn’t really in the mood to run around like that right now.

There was a long line for the ice cream cart. I wasn’t surprised. The sun was beating down on the beach unmercifully. The line moved forward a little and someone bumped into me from behind. I turned around to see who did it and give them a dirty look and I was greeted with an eyeful of gorgeous, tanned, muscular chest. Looking up into the man’s face, I wasn’t disappointed. He. Was. Incredible. I swear angels had carved that face. He had shaggy blonde hair and the cutest smile imaginable. I was face to chest with a total sex god!

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there!” He grinned. He had a cute accent. I could have stared at his body for the rest of my life and died happy. “Like what you see?”

Crap! He noticed me checking him out. I blushed deeply.

“You gotta appreciate a good body when you see one.” I answered. Where did that come from? I was never that forward!

“The beautiful lady has a sense of humor too! This must be my lucky day.” The sexgod laughed. “I’m Lewis, by the way.” No one had ever called me beautiful before!

“Um… Ana.” I was still blushing, but I managed to smile up at him. His eyes were a forest-y green color. That was so hot! “I’ve never seen you around here before.”

He was still grinning. “Yeah, I’m new here. I’m from Australia.” God, I could just melt!

“Oh wow, that explains the cute accent.” Did I just say that out loud?

“You think my accents cute?” He winked at me.

“Oh!… That sort of…slipped out.” That was embarrassing.

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