Part 3

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Ana’s POV

There was a knock at the door.

It must be Lewis! It was time for the date.

 I had picked out my outfit with Amber already earlier. It was just a simple short black dress. I didn’t want it to look like I put in too much time and effort, despite the fact that it took us nearly an hour to choose the dress and another hour to do my hair and makeup. Amber had wished me luck and left just a few minutes ago.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I walked over to answer the door. I had tidied the house up a little bit so that, even though he wasn’t coming inside, if he happened to look in it would look nice and neat.

When I told my dad I was going out for a date he didn’t ask any questions or even blink. I could have told him I was going to join a gang and he wouldn’t even care. He was just lying in bed watching some reality TV show like usual.

I opened the door. There he was, looking like an angel on my doorstep. I wanted to jump him and kiss him right there and then, but maybe I should save that for the second date. Wow I was getting ahead of myself. I would be lucky to get a second date with him.

“You look incredible, Ana.” He was grinning. I forgot what I was going to say. Oh no, was I blushing again?

“Uh, you, er, um,”  I stuttered. “You too.” That was the best I could come up with? What’s wrong with me?

“So, shall we go?”

“Um, yeah, of course.” I followed him out to his car. It was a really nice car, too.

“Is this a Ferrari?” I gaped.

“Yep.” He popped the “P”. He looked a little embarrassed. How cute!

“So where are we going to eat?” Right on cue, my stomach rumbled. I blushed even more, if that was possible. He chuckled.

“Well there’s a new restaurant that just opened right by the pier. I was thinking we could try it out.”

“Any place sounds good to me right now.” He laughed. How embarrassing! “Sorry, that was my stomach talking.” I wanted to hide my face.

“C’mon, we’re here. You can eat to your heart’s desire now.” We both laughed. Maybe this date would be fun after all.

“So what would you like to order?” Lewis asked me after we had been seated. Nothing really stood out to me from the menu, except on the desserts page. I was dying to try the chocolate mousse or the crème brule.

“Or would you like to skip right to dessert?” He asked me, smiling his smile that could melt a glacier.

“Can you read minds or something?” I asked incredulously.

“Haha sadly no, but I usually skip straight to dessert at restaurants anyway. Get more of the good stuff.”

“Me too! Everyone else thinks I’m crazy when I do that. Finally someone who understands!” We started laughing. This was going pretty well!

A waiter came over. He looked a little bit like Lewis actually, but a little older with darker hair. He gave Lewis a big hug.

“Lil bro!” He had more of an American accent than Lewis. “I didn’t know you had moved here!”

“Rowland! I didn’t realize you worked here! I was going to call you!”

“But you were too busy with this pretty little lady, weren’t you?” Rowland addressed me. I smiled and looked down at my lap.

“This is my date, Ana. Ana, this is my older brother, Rowland.”

“Nice to meet you, Rowland.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” He kissed my hand. I swear, if I blush anymore tonight my cheeks will be permanently red.

“So, what would you like to order?” Both brothers looked at me.

“Er, crème brule, please?”

“Make that two.” Lewis smiled at me.

 Rowland snickered. “She even has your weird eating habits, Lewis. You two were meant for eachother.” And he walked away. Lewis looked embarrassed.

“He’s a little forward, sorry.”

“And a ladies’ man too!” I laughed.

Lewis smirked. “Runs in the family, I guess.”

“And so does modesty, I assume?”

 Rowland came back with two bowls of what looked like the most mouth-watering food in the world.

“Enjoy!” Rowland winked at his brother.


We left the restaurant holding hands.

“Let’s go to the beach.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. “Please?” I laughed and we walked down to the sand.

The sand was cold beneath my feet. Waves lapped at the shore in a steady rhythm. My heart must have been beating at a hundred beats a second.

Lewis plopped down in the sand and I followed suit. It was a little cold so I wrapped my arms around me.  He put his arm around me and looked up at the stars. I knew this might ruin the mood, but I had to ask,

“Why did you ask me on a date so fast? I mean, we had only just met.” I cringed, the words had sounded better in my head.

He looked into my eyes. “My parents used to tell me that good people were hard to find, especially when you’re looking for a relationship. I’ve known a lot of women, but none of them were special like you. I knew you were as soon as I saw you. I wasn’t kidding when I said it was my lucky day. I couldn’t let you get away.” I couldn’t look away from his face. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. And then he kissed me. For a moment I just sat there, and then I kissed him back. It was my first kiss, just a small, quick kiss, but it felt so right. I wanted it to last forever.

What a way to end the summer.

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