The Meaning of Life

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Finding Longinus class sacred gears is a lot easier than one would think. After all most humans are normal, so finding irregulars among them is easy. All you have to do is look for the unique energy readings among humans. But while it is easy to find Longinus users, it is tiresome to search for a specific one. For you are looking through 13 different humans, so it is a bothersome task.

Or it would have been

The Vampire faction has reached out to Rizevim, more specifically the son of King Tepes. He wishes to overthrow his father with the help of Rizevim. Normally we would ignore these pleas for help but this time it is worth it.

Marius said that his father had a kid with a human and that same kid now possess the holy grail. He then forced his child to use the sacred gears power to enhance his army in order to combat the Carmilla faction.

Its all rather pointless form my point of view. There still weak compared to other factions and when they split they became even weaker. So I will send Diablo there to secure the holy grail so that I can gain the knowledge over the meaning of life.

PoV Change (Diablo)

Vampires Huh?

It brings back memories. The first mission given to me by Father was on the subject of vampires. Good times.

With that I teleported over to the Tepes mansion.

Upon arrival I met with 5 improved vampires.

Guard: Stop were you are and state your intentions!

Diablo: My intentions? They lye fare beyond your comprehension.

After speaking I move at a speed that they cannot see and appears behind them. They look shocked and looked behind them at me, only to hide out that only their head that turned. They did not get to comprehend what happened before they burst into a red mist.

Vampires regeneration is always annoying, and who knows how fast these improved cockroach's regenerate.

I continue on my stroll and arrive at the front door and I nock. After some time someone opens the door.

?: I told them not to ley anyon-

He didn't get finish curtesy of the fist now implanted in his head. To make sure he is down for the count I light my hand in hellfire and he burns to a crisp.

I spread my senses for the holy grail and spot it in a room 3 floors above me. I casually jumped up through those mentioned floors. I then walk through the wall to my left as it caves in around me.

What I see upon entry is not the most pleasant of landscapes. There is a girl that has blond hair with red eyes. She looks to be 23 years old, give or take a year. What is not pleasant is that she is chained up to a wall with multiple wounds marring her skin. While physically she looks as if she is dead. So this is Valerie Tepes, the current holder of the Sephiroth Graal.

I walk up to the girl before crouching down before her. I put my hand on her shoulder and pour my power into her with the intention of healing her. Slowly her skin loses the marks and cuts before she looks in prime condition. Its to bad that injuries related to the soul are harder to heal.

I break the chains holding the girl before teleporting her back to the castle.

Diablo: Not even us daemons torture one of our own. For that I shall give you all a parting gift!

With that I let out my aura and it turned everything within a 5 kilometer radius to nothing. Unknowingly making every single faction tremble in fear.

Satisfied I teleport back to the castle ad appear before her. I then pick her up and teleport us into the throne room in front of the steps to the throne. I kneel down and place her in front of me.

Diablo: My King.

I look up to my father and see that he is... mad? why would he be mad wait... I MESSSED UP!!!!! Why did I think it was a good idea to expose my power to the whole world like that! Now the whole universe will be on edge!

Goetia: Why? Why couldn't you wait for a few more days? I have waited 700 hundred years for the Grand Order to begin, and yet you sabotage my very existence right before we could act freely.

I f*cked up

Goetia: Answer me. I will not tell you again.

I start to sweat before I answer.

Diablo: I was not thinking clearly Father. After finding out that Valerie had been absued physically and mentally by her own blood caused me to act rashly. I will accept any punishment you see fit my lord.

Father seemed to contemplate for a minute before responding

Goetia: I have understanding on why you acted the way you did. You have never personally been able to punish such sin before. When I made you and your siblings, I designed you to have the instinct to punish sin and all evil acts. So with that in effect it excuses your actions.

I sighed in relief upon hearing this.

Goetia: But that does not excuse the outcome of your actions.

Not Again!

Goetia: And for that you will take care of the girl that you risked our operation on.

He then appeared in front of Valerie in such a fashion that I almost thought that he was there the whole time. He then reached out his right and said

Goetia: The sacred gear [Sephiroth Grall] belongs to me.

Then the space around his right hand looked as if it glitched before I felt that the holy grail no longer resided within Valerie. He then looked at me.

Goetia: You will adopt her into the black linage and treat her similar to how your sister treats Moss. Now Begone

In a instant I found myself and Valerie within my side of the castle. I heaved a sigh of relief that everything went well. I then look down at Valerie and could see that the effects of the holy grail are now leaving her. Though I am in a new dilemma though...

How does Testarossa treat Moss?

PoV Change (Goetia)

That son of mine almost cost us the element of surprise. Though it is how I created them. At that point in time I was so disappointed in fathers creations, that I wanted to make a race of beings truly worthy of my power. So I made them to punish the sinners as true demons should.

Its fortunate that only the Norse faction know his aura personally. Meaning that no one will tie the damage to us but the Norse and they cant do anything to get in my way now.

Now the reason I wanted the Sephiroth Graal is for the two of the ability's It possesses.

[Life Manipulation]


[Soul Manipulation]

With these I can create and recreate beings a lot easier. With Life Manipulation being a weapon that I cannot pass up. Now lets break down that sacred gear.

I look within myself and find it near my soul. Latching onto me like a parasite. I attack it with the most potent demonic power that has ever graced this universe. Its soon crumbles and all of its power floods into me.

And almost instantly I am assaulted mentally with the all of the knowledge over Souls and Life. If any normal person were to learn this knowledge they may just give up all will to live. Knowing the meaning of life is a heavy burden for most. Luckily I am not most.

This was the last thing I needed before the grand order could start.

Are you ready Tiamat?

The response to my question is a childish giggle. Man I really hope that her personality returns to normal when her power does.

Tiamat: Of course! I am the Mother of Life TIAMAT

    Who could be more prepared than me?!

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