Chapter Thirteen: Everything's Changing

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Hours they spent together, until eventually clothes were tossed, and the night was quickly passing by. Annalise collapsed on his naked chest. Ear pressed to where his heart should be, but no matter how much she listened, she couldn't hear a heartbeat. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Eugene hummed contently, and she could feel it resonant in her bones, running a hand through her tawny brown hair. Tapping her own fingers on his chest, Annalise looked up at him fighting the urge to yawn, when a thought ran through her mind. Throughout the entire time she had been back on earth, not once did she see Dawn or Victoria.

Their absences left a shockingly quiet hole where their arguing once was.

"Gene?" Anna asked, tilting her head as she shifted slightly above him. He lifted a blonde eyebrow in response, brushing a stray hair behind her ear and softly stroking her cheek. "What happened to Victoria and Dawn? I thought they would be with you?"

She began to nibble on her bottom lip, what if something had happened to them, just like it had Raul? Had they been hurt? Were they okay? It seemed like all her worrying was for nothing though, as Gene quietly chuckled. He pulled her lip from its stressful ministrations with his thumb.

"There's no need to worry about them." He began, rubbing his thumb so softly on her lips it left tingles in its wakes. "They finally got over themselves, moved to the countryside, and now their girlfriends again."

She blinked for a moment, and then two. Dawn and Victoria had seemed like they genuinely hated each other, the last time she saw them. But there had undeniably been something there. Even if Victoria had been creepily obsessed with Gene when she first met her.

"To be honest, I'm just glad I'm out of their drama," Eugene grinned, then pecked her check quickly. Playfully, Annalise lent back, dodging his kiss, and gently swatted at his arm.

"You should have told me sooner!" Annalise giggled, but the joy was short lived. She had missed out on so much, when she was busy at hell. It didn't matter that she had visited their old house in hopes of seeing them, if they never actually saw her. And now? Now Raul was sat in the other room, barely hanging on and with one less eye.

Gene nudged her with his elbow, jolting her out of her depressing thoughts. Slowly slipping his arms around her shoulders, he drew her to his chest once again. "It's fine you know." He began and she felt each word echo in his chest. "That you left, it's fine. No one hates you for it."

She swallowed past her suddenly dry throat.

"I know why you left. I might not have done the same thing. But I understand it. So, don't sit there and regret it. You did what you had to do, and that's all anyone can do." Gene said, stroking a line down her naked spine. Goosebumps prickled up and down her arms.

Annalise smiled into his chest, and pulled him closer.



She blinked once, twice, and a third time trying to shake the sleepiness from her eyes. Then it registered. That was Eugene shouting. Annalise shot upwards, turning to where Gene had been sleeping beside her. He wasn't there. She stumbled out of bed, rapidly slipping on her underwear and the closet shirt she could find. She tripped on the edge of the crumpled covers before swinging the door open and dashing into the living room. 

Harvey was restraining his brother, his muscles straining against Gene's strength. Curtains of blue magic curled around the witches arms, giving him enough power to stop Gene from tearing Cassius' throat open.

"What the FUCK did you think you were doing, hiding the fact that Anna visited our house from me?! Did you think you were being smart!? Cause you sure dont look fucking smart from here." Gene spat pure vitriol. In fact, it was the angriest Annalise had ever seen him. His joggers were hanging loosely from his hip, revealing his sinful abs and v line. He hadn't even bothered to put on a top before confronting the vampire.

Annalise took a step forward but faltered slightly, why didn't Cassius tell Gene she had been visiting? It didn't make any sense. They had all been friends, there wasn't any reason for Cassius not to tell him.

The man in question took one step back, and glanced over at her. His deep eyes begging for something.. Something she couldn't quite recognise. Cassius looked her up and down, taking in her dishevelled appearance and something in him seemed to deflate.

If she were to be honest, she silently hoped Harvey would let his brother go. To get answers to the question that had been stuck in her mind since she returned. Why hadn't he told him? 

There was a soft, wet, plodding of feet behind her. All the while Gene was still shouting at Cassius, Bael had made his way besides her. He was watching the shouting match with an excited smirk, ruffling a hand through his wet hair. That made her double take.

Bael stood stark naked, his decency only covered up by a small white towel. Clearly he had taken a bath. A bath while the Rogue vampire had still been cuffed to the bathroom radiator.

"Are you serious right now?" Annalise covertly hissed at him. Bael seemed completely too amused by the unfolding situation and shrugged, picking at his fingernails disinterestedly. "Did you shower while that rogue vampire was still locked in there?"

"Yeah, and?" Bael said, raising his eyebrow at her, as if to say 'really?'. Their silent conversation seemed to grasp Gene's attention and he finally quieted down. With one look at her, all tension seemed to disappear from his face. It was enough to make Harvey release his grip.

And that was all Gene needed.

He was on Cassius within a blink, vampiric speed powering his movements as he grasped Cassis' collar. "You knew how much I missed her, and you still didn't tell me? What the hell is going on Cassius? I thought I could trust you!" 

Cassius opened his mouth, and that was the moment everything changed. 


Authors Note

Hey ya'll how you been? Sorry for the late update. Since the academic year started, I've been busy doing my French Language Studies diploma, so I've not really had too much time to write. That being said i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

Why do you think Cassius hid it? 

Thank you so much for reading <3 I cant believe its already hit 4k reads! 

Lots of love, 

Sam. E 

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