Chapter Eighteen: Deteration

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Harvey nervously peered from behind the open door, looking around the room apprehensively. His eyes locked onto Gene's discarded top on the floor, and Annalise's bloody clothes piled together.

"You didn't." The witch uttered in shock, he could barely hide the smirk that was taking over his lips. It was hard not to feel the slightest bit proud, he had pined after Annalise' for the entire time she'd been gone. Wondering when she would return, if she cared about him the way he did for her. If she was thinking about him just the same, and, for once in his life, things went right.

She loved him back. And if that wasn't a brag, Eugene didn't know what was.

Annalise huffed, playfully slapping him on the arm. He winced in return, though there was no real bite to the hit, playing into her little game. "Stop it Gene," She groaned, hiding her face underneath the covers in embarrassment.

"You know what." Harvey admitted, raising his hands in surrender "I don't want to know. I simply don't want to know. I just came here to let you know we've gotten hold of Mia and Noah's Clans to inform them of the situation. They've said they'll be on standby until you give the word. Okay," There was a unanimous silence as a response.

"Okay." Harvey said, more to himself than anything, and left, closing the door after himself. Eugene nodded, even despite the fact Harvey had left, mulling over the thoughts Harvey had left behind in his mind. It was good that a Fae Clan and Werewolf Clan were on their side in all of this, but he had doubts in his mind of whether or not it would be enough.

Nothing seemed to be enough against the new Revolution, or so they were calling themselves anyway.

He almost let himself get so carried away, he barely noticed the absence of Annalise's normal chatter. He turned to face her, lifting up the covers she'd been so desperately clutching over her head. They moved without resistance.

Annalise's hazel eyes were staring listlessly into the space in front of her, mouth just barely hanging open. He stared at her for a pause.

"What's wrong?" He asked, prodding her shoulder in an attempt to get her attention. Slowly she turned to face him, closing her mouth and opening it like a fish out of water. Clearly lost as of to what to say.

"Clan. He just said clan right?" Annalise questioned, tilting her head as she gazed at where Harvey had just been. Eugene looked to the door as well, in confusion. What was she on about? Slowly he nodded, cautious.

"That means they're supernaturals right? Like us?" Annalise continued, and a dawning swept over him so hard he could have laughed. Of course she had gotten confused, the topic of her childhood friend's true nature had been swept under the rug in favour of dealing with Vitus at the time. And then Annalise had been taken to hell, the Rogues and the Revolution. He had completely forgotten to explain it to her.

It was almost ironic that Annalise had befriended a bunch of supernaturals before it had been revealed that she was part demon. It was almost fates way of saying 'hey. Wake up'. Or maybe it was just the kindness of her nature, the warm inviting comfort of her aura. Drawing people like him to her like moths to a flame.

"Yeah, yeah they are. Didn't they tell you?" Gene asked. Finally, she looked away from the door, shifting so she was sitting upright and not awkwardly crunched under the covers. She shook her head, giving him her full attention.

"Mia's a fae. And Noah's a werewolf. You've been friends with them for years now, and it never came up like once?" He prodded further. As far as he'd been made aware she'd been friends with the two misfits since they were young, it seemed almost bizarre that the topic hadn't been broached at least one time.

Annalise shook her head again, looking up to the ceiling with a frown. Then ever so slowly, a smile began to crease the corners of her eyes. A pearl of laughter spilling from her lips. He squinted his eyes at her, searching her form in concern. Was this the nail in the coffin kind of scenario? Or was she just genuinely this positive?

"It makes so much sense, you know? Why they accepted me so easily! I thought it was a bit weird, how they weren't concerned I was a part demon! It just makes so much sense," She quipped with a giggle.

A warmth flooded his chest, like a warm cup of tea or a crackling wire in the midst of winter, soothing all of his aches. He relaxed back into the bed, all thoughts of the Revolution, Rogues and exploding vampires fading from his mind as he basked in the sound of her laughter.

Maybe she really was just that optimistic. No matter what life had thrown at her, she stood back up. It was something Eugene had admired in Annalise from the day they met, in that house viewing. He couldn't help but see the worst in everything, years of war, famine and natural disasters had tainted his view of the world.

It was something that hadn't happened to Annalise yet. And it was something that he desperately longed to protect in her.

Eugene then, just didn't realise how quickly things could deteriorate. 


                                                        Anonymous Perspective

"Your daughter doesn't know you, does she?" A deep, angelic voice echoed throughout the bright room. He chuckled darkly. Of course Annalise didn't know him, her mother had barely given her the chance to get to know her own father.

How cruel humans could be, given the chance and opportunity.

He hummed methodically, scrolling through the news on his phone. Articles of murders, a potential serial killer in London littered his screen. Humans were desperate to give meaning to things they didn't understand. When sometimes, things were just what they were. A demon killing off political figures wasn't some serial killer.

He considered himself an opportunist more than anything. He wouldn't lie, even if he was cursed by Satan himself, he was anything but a malingerer. He had wanted to kill Annalise, when he had heard about her through Vitus. She was competition. His own offspring, who could bring about his downfall.

But now? Now he had the chance to mull around his thoughts, since his pawn was dead. He had bigger plans for her now. He turned to the angel besides him, rubbing a hand along the stubble he'd let grow out.

"No. No she doesn't. But she will do," 


Authors Note

Hey guys!! What do you think of this chapter? Id like to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much for reading as all ways, and what do you think Annnalise's father has in store for her ;) 

I hope you guys are doing well <3 

As always, lots of love, 


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