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Colby's POV

"Come on, Jules." I whispered and massaged Julia's hand.

It had been three days since bringing her back to LA which meant if she didn't start showing signs of recovery, then this was the end.

"Hey.." Nate said as he came into the room. "We have to give her more time." I said and kept my eyes on Julia.

"You heard Dr. Platt. It's been almost two weeks, Colby." Nate said gently as I clenched my jaw.

"I'm not giving up on her." I said and brought Julia's hand to my lips.

"You're in charge but keeping her here won't help. It might be time to move on." He said quietly.

"Move on?! I can't fucking just move on, Nate. She took a fucking bullet for me. The least I can do is keep her from dying." I said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, man." He said as I shook my head. "What if she just needs more time?" I asked, feeling the sadness of losing her looming over me.

"I just don't think there a path to recovery...there was just too much damage." Nate said as my eyes stung.

"Why the fuck did she do this? She should have let me take it, maybe I would be alive and she would be okay." I said, my voice shaking.

"She did it because she loves you. There's no denying that." Nate said as I nodded.

"When are we doing this?" I asked and looked at Julia's lifeless face.

"Depends on if you want the kids to see her." Nate said as I closed my eyes.

I didn't know what to do about that. On one hand it wasn't fair for them to never see their sister again, but I didn't want them to see her like this.

It was a tough situation.

"I don't know what to do about that." I said and looked up at Nate.

"I think they should see their sister. It's only right." He said as I nodded.

"They can come see her, but I don't want them here when we pull the plug." I said and grabbed my phone, telling Sam to bring the kids here.

"That's a good idea." Nate said then patted my back.

"Let me know when they get here." He said then left the room.

I sat with Julia, just silently holding her hand. It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that she would be gone and out of my life.

She was going to succumb to the injuries that were given to her because her father was a hot head.

If he would have just listened and let me explain that I never wanted Julia to be hurt, then we would have been fine.

If he wasn't so keen on making his daughters life Hell, then we would be fine.

We would be able to be together.

"Hey, did you want me to bring the kids in here now?" Sam asked as he poked his head into the room.

"I'll come get them." I said and stood up. Sam led me down the hallway and towards his office.

"Hi, Colby!" Little Sam said as I smiled. "Hey, kid." I said then looked at all of them. "Coley." Juniper said and reached for me.

"Why are we here?" Carter asked as I took Juniper from Jenna.

"Your sister has been hurt and we wanted you to see her." I said causing Jenna to squint at me.

"Because she's dying." She said as I nodded, not wanting to say the words.

Chaos (Colby Brock) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant