Chapter 10

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Thaddeus’ POV:

After recovering from the devastating reveal, the venue reclaimed its gorgeous atmosphere. His Highness and Lady Arkwright were dancing their first dance, a waltz, while being accompanied by the court orchestra.

I felt happy for His Highness. Finally, after twelve years, His Highness’ first love came true. Albeit, obsession might be a more precise term…

Back then, the more Lady Arkwright’s misunderstanding grew, the hollower His Highness’ gaze became. It was challenging, but to my relief, everything had settled down. Honestly, I was anxious about how His Highness would deal with Lady Arkwright.

His Highness and Lady Arkwright were on a different wavelength. The situation became even more difficult because they were both stubborn. Thus, I was glad that they finally saw eye to eye.

Why were those two so upset?

From my point of view, no matter how I looked at it, they definitely thought of each other. Still, who would’ve thought that Lady Arkwright was so dense?

Who would’ve thought she was unaware of her love for His Highness?

Regardless, the storm had passed. As such, I had no complaints.

By the way, the first song was about to end. I looked around for my fiancée, Sylvia, to invite her. Then, I saw her surrounded by Lady Dunning, Ezekiel, and Lady Fairfax.

“—When I heard about it a few days ago, I thought it was difficult to believe. However, it’s certainly as Lady Dunning said.”

“To think His Highness and Lord Ezekiel would go behind our backs… While I may not be able to forgive them yet, I appreciate that His Highness did everything for Lady Emmeline’s sake.”

“I agree with you, Lady Seraphina. By the way, Lord Thaddeus is the most annoying of all. It’s as if he’s looking down on us.”

“Indeed. To be honest, before this graduation party, I was ready to annul my engagement.”

“Eh, but Seraphina—”

“Well! What a coincidence! I was about to do the same!”

Oi, oi, oi—! Wait, please—!? I’ve never heard of this—! If I was a day late, would Sylvia have dumped me—!?

“—Syl… Sylvia…”

“Why, if it isn’t Lord Thaddeus. What’s with that miserable expression? Did something happen?”

Oh no… I know where this is going…

Why was Sylvia still mad despite having explained the circumstances and apologized so much? As a symbol of apology, I even bought as many pieces of jewelry and ornaments as I could. Moreover, I went on as many dates as possible with Sylvia so that she’d be satisfied.

Is it still not enough? You have to be kidding me. Won’t you please forgive me?

“Uhm, I’m truly sorry, but please understand. I was having a hard time, too. To not be able to touch you was hell for me.”

“Seraphina, let me apologize once again. All I want is you. I can’t bear the thought of you leaving.”

“Lord Thaddeus…”

“Lord Ezekiel…”

When our lips were about to overlap, Lady Dunning burst into laughter. Almost immediately, the atmosphere was destroyed.

“You’re both sissies.”

“Lady Dunning…“

“Eeep! Don’t stare at me like that. Even if you’re both handsome, it’s still scary.”

Me a Villainess???Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant