Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen: [Extra 2] Uriel is Struggling a Lot

“Show some restraint, Uriel.”

Upon arriving, that was the first thing my mother said to me.

…After I had taken time off my work to answer her call, why was I being reprimanded?

“What is it, out of the blue?”

If I have time to listen to my mother’s quibble, I’d rather spend it with my beloved Emmeline.

I responded to my mother without even bothering to conceal my lousy mood. Judging from her cold gaze, it’d be safe to assume she was about to rebuke me. Considering how busy I was with political affairs, it was such a waste of time.

Later in the day, I had to look at a petition concerning the granary. Not to mention those of forest maintenance, commerce, and hydraulic control. Moreover, there was also a written statement from the General Affairs Department. The ones related to the granary and the hydraulic engineering projects were of the utmost importance. After all, during the next rainy season, there was a high possibility that the river would overflow. As for the granaries, soil erosion had become a constant problem. 

If possible, I’d like to get a head start on them. Otherwise, if left unattended without proper measures, it could eventually lead to large-scale desertification. Once that happens, the supply would drop sharply, resulting in a famine. Afterward, a plague was likely to follow. Before anything could happen, I had to break the chain.

Therefore, I wasn’t sure if I should be listening to my mother’s trivial words.

As for why I was so busy, it was simply the duty of a king. After graduating, the number of work became crushing. As a Crown Prince, I had been accustomed to many tasks. However, as of the present, I feel slightly discouraged.

Back when I was a student, I still had some free time. Although, except for visiting the city on tour, I’d spend most of my time in the Royal Palace. For me, it was enough time to enjoy my hobby, which was reading in my private chamber. Besides, after encountering Katrina Dunning each time I went on a stroll, I got creeped out. I also didn’t want to be misunderstood by Emmeline, who might think I was secretly meeting Lady Dunning. 

I didn’t think of it much back then, even if I only had a little spare time for myself.

As of now, I’m tired of the increased workload. Of course, I was aware of both the need and the urgency—

—Still, let me just say this:

There wasn’t enough time to love Emmeline.

…Yes! My blissful time to savor Emmeline!

“I’m aware of the joy of a first love reciprocated, but how long will you keep her locked up?”

“What do you mean?”

Despite her clumsiness, Emmeline would try to keep up with me. To me, it was simply too irresistible; it felt unbearable. Be it the movement of her tongue as it entwined mine or the way she’d tremble as I caressed her skin—I found everything about her tantalizing. Especially when the shame felt too much for her to bear, to which her eyes would become teary. The sight was utterly charming; it could be considered a crime.

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