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I stand in the hallway with Quinni, Darren, and Amerie. Harper walks past us not even looking in our direction.

"Whoa. Half the school thinks she's an untouchable icon," Quinni says.

"And the other half thinks she's a batshit banshee," Darren states.

"And I am not wasting another brain cell thinking about her," Amerie says. "I spent all weekend manifesting a beautiful new reality and I have zero shits left to give about anything."

"Okay, Amerie, wake up," Darren tells her. "Your heart is shattered into a million, tiny, pathetic pieces."

Amerie notices Malakai in the hallway.

Darren grabs her. "Let's go. Forget about Threesome Boy."

The three of us move out to the upper level of the courtyard. Now is Darren's turn to complain about Ca$h.

"I'm the hottest thing this side of the bridge and he's treating me like a foot fungus," Darren says. "Ca$h is officially expired."

"Maybe he doesn't like boning as much as you do," Quinni offers.

"Oh please. Have you seen who he hangs out with?" Darren remarks. "If those eshays aren't dealing drugs, they're wheeling with their dicks".

"Not everyone functions the way that you do," Quinni tells them. "And you haven't even had a conversation about what you're both looking for. Sasha and I did it when we first started dating."

"Aw. Or I could just get shit-faced and forget he ever existed," Darren states. "Hey Amerie, your mum's working the night shift?"

Amerie nods. "Yeah."

Darren steps up onto the railing. "Listen up, cum stains! Lonely hearts gatho at Amerie's tonight. BYO alcohol, you cheap, cheap hoes. And no Year 7s."

"No, that was a totally fabricated lie," Amerie says.

Sasha smiles as she stops beside Quinni. "Oh, shit. I hope not."

"Nothing's happening," Amerie tells her.

"Are you serious?" Darren asks. "This is the first time in months anyone wants to hang out with you. Okay, this could be the biggest comeback since crop tops. You only get one shot at this."

"Actually, yes, something is happening tonight at my place," Amerie tells Sasha.

"Okay," Sasha says.

"Oi! And the theme is, 'Back from the Dead,' to celebrate Amerie's social resurrection. My idea. Please tell everyone you know," Darren shouts.

Sasha laughs. "Okay."

"Wait, you're actually going to come?" Amerie asks.

"Well, yeah, I think it's genuinely cool to see how far you've evolved since shit went sideways. So, yes, we will both be there."

"Um, I've actually got this book signing tonight... thing," Quinni tells her.

"Oh," Sasha says.

"It's the release of Angeline of the Underworld," Darren explains. "Only the most important event in Quinni's life thus far."

"Shit! I completely forgot," Sasha admits.

"It's okay," Quinni tells her.

"Well, we can go to that, and we can still make Amerie's after?" Sasha reasons.

Quinni looks unsure. "Um..."

"Hey, we can figure out details later," Sasha says before kissing Quinni.

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