Chapter 9

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“You’re obviously lying.” He was upset and pulled her hair.

Eva groaned.  It was none of his business who the father of her baby was. Eva looked at Trixie, the now dead hooker, her body growing colder by the second. Hopefully he would leave soon to dispose of her body.

“Tell me the truth.”

“Why should I?” Eva asked.

“What? Are you afraid to admit that you’re carrying the Demon King’s baby? What would that make him? The Demon Prince?”

Eva cringed at his remark. He was right. Eva was carrying the Demon King’s child. She hadn’t known it until her abductor had asked her if she was pregnant. Even before he took her hostage, she hadn’t had her period. It all made sense now. Her appetite was off, no period, and constant mood swings. She had even cried at a spaghetti commercial.

Almost three months ago, Eva had slept with and sort of dated a man named David Wilson. She knew him as a friend, a cop, a confidant, and a really sexy guy. She would eventually find out the truth. That he was a total sociopath that had been murdering women to frame his biological brother Tom, whom he was jealous of and hated. David and Tom’s father was Vincent McDaniels. Vincent used to be a famous author but had stopped writing after Tom killed his younger sister when they were children. He had recently gotten back into the writing spotlight after writing a book entitled, Raising the Demon King. Vincent McDaniels was an odd man. He suffered from blackouts and was known to check himself into the local residential treatment center to keep himself sober. In the past, he was a horrible drug user and adulterer. Apparently, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree when it came to Vincent McDaniels and his errant children.

Eva thought of David Wilson, her former lover. If she separated him from being the Demon King, then she didn’t feel bad about carrying his child.  When she remembered that David was a psychopathic serial killer, her heart began to race. Could she really carry the child of a man who killed women, skinned their faces off, and then stabbed them?

She didn’t have a choice. She looked at her abductor. She still didn’t understand his motive in kidnapping her. He had told her before that he hated her because she betrayed David. Eva wasn’t sure how she had betrayed him. Maybe one day he would tell her. He was obviously enamored with the Demon King.

“Are you a disciple?” Eva asked him.

"Am I a what?”

“Are you a disciple of the Demon King?” Eva thought he had to be. Why else would he go through so much trouble to kidnap her and then bring in prostitutes to kill in front of her?

A strange look came over him. “I’m not just any disciple Eva. I’m the Deadly Disciple. The strongest disciple. The disciple that’s going to get vengeance for the Demon King.”

“Why do you hate women?”

“Who said I hate women?” he was starting to sound defensive.

“You must hate women since you keep killing them.”

“These aren’t just regular women Eva. These are whores. I hate whores!” Eva smiled. She clearly hit a sore spot with him.

“You don’t like whores?” she asked.                                                                                                 

“Of course not! Why would I? Why would anyone? Whores are worthless!”

“I hope your mother doesn’t know you talk about women that way,” Eva said.

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