Chapter 23

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Vincent gasped as the bullet pierced his flesh. David took a step back, still holding the gun. The sound of the sirens had stopped.


David turned at the sound of a woman's voice yelling. He couldn't see them entering as he and Vincent were hidden behind some old shelves. David leaned into Vincent, "If you tell anyone I shot you, your book will be ruined."

Vincent lay on the ground, clutching his the side of his stomach where he had been shot. "You won't get away with this."

David looked back as the sound of the approaching officers got closer. He looked back at Vincent, "It's been fun. We should do this again." He gave Vincent a look of contempt before running out the back of the warehouse.

"We have a body!" a male's voice shouted.

Vincent didn't know if he should follow David or wait for them to find him. He was bleeding profusely. "Over here!" he shouted.

He could hear the sound of footsteps approaching.

"I'm over here dammit!" he groaned as the effort to yell took a toll on him.

"Well who do we have here?"

Vincent looked up to see Special Agent Sally Roux staring down at him, her gun drawn.

"Call an ambulance," Vincent ordered as he continued to lay on the ground.

Sally made the call then asked Vincent, "Who shot you?"

"Can't you give me a second to bleed?"

Sally continued, "If you don't tell me I can't catch him."

Vincent thought about what David had said. If he were to claim that his son David Wilson shot him, would he be believed? More importantly, what would that do to his book sales? That would make his entire book that stated David Wilson was the now deceased Demon King a total lie. He coughed and answered, "I...I didn't see him. I'm not going to talk about it until I've been treated."

Sally's eyes narrowed as she considered his answer. She waited for the paramedics to come and help him before joining her partner, Donald Ferguson.

"Are they still trying to track the anonymous tip?" Donald asked her.

"I guess so. I haven't heard any updates. They think the caller might have used a burner phone." She looked at the body of the woman and the words written above it. "Got any idea what that's supposed to mean?"

"That her death is supposed to remind someone of somebody else's death? She's wearing a flower crown. Maybe it's the Demon King's son," Donald suggested.

"This all points towards Vincent McDaniels again."

"I saw him being carried out. What was he doing here?"

"He hasn't been questioned yet. I'm going to wait for him to arrive at the hospital and get treated," Sally answered. "A squad car is following the ambulance and the officers are going to stay with Vincent until he's been stitched up."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Donald asked.


"You always talk as though Vincent is some kind of evil villain. What if he escapes?"

Sally smirked, "You're right Ferguson. How about you go and wait to interview him?"

Donald smiled, "I do love to interview witnesses." It was in inside-joke between the two of them that Donald loved to make witnesses cry or wet themselves.

"This is just an interview not an interrogation," Sally reminded him.

Donald was beginning to walk away when he stopped and turned around, "Hey before I forget."

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