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I was kind of annoyed when I saw Ardein not use his full potential. After all, it takes both of our strength combined to catch a victim. I turned to Ardein and frowned.

"Ardein." I called sternly. Ardein was busy trying to fix Captain's wounds from when The Gentleman stabbed him. Ardein looked up at me slowly. I love that creepy smile. But it was about to be wiped off.

"Why did you let Mr Cheese out of our grasp?" I asked. Ardein, not to my surprise, laughed hysterically. Ardein doesn't frown much.

"What?! I want him to suffer before it happens! Just a bit of crack!" Ardein replied. "Either way he's gonna-"

"Wind up dead? No, that's gonna be No-Visor." I cut him off, knowing the joke he was going to make. I couldn't help but give a little smirk, when I felt a tiny tap on the shoulder.

"What is it, Not-Orange..." I sighed, refusing to turn to face him.

"Noob and Blue just came to me bleeding. They said they got ambushed by... was it one of your old besties? Probably." Not-Orange replied. "You and other boss planning to get together soon or..."

I whipped my head around to see a smirking, grey, visor red, (You get the point he's been caught) Not-Orange. There are some things that you can't change about him, annoyingly.

"Shut your inky little mouth before I snap it out of existence along with the rest of you." I gave out. Not-Orange immediately shut his mouth. "And bring Noob and Blue to Ardein. He'll heal them up."

And with that, he rushed off to get the two. I turned back to Ardein and was ready to talk to him.

"Ardein. Remember. We want as many people against that poor excuse of a creepypasta as we can get. That way it's easier to take him down."

"So what? He's gonna fade soon anyways!" Laughed Ardein.

"It's still enough time for him to render us powerless."

"We can take him out by ourselves!"

"He'll have help though. Besides. from Captain's report, He's got a few of his powers leftover. We need to eliminate him before he regains his memories."

"Three weeks isn't enough for that!" Ardein had pushed me to my limit. He just hovered there, howling with laughter, like this wasn't that big of a deal. I knew nothing else was going to get his attention, so I snapped.

"CAN YOU LISTEN FOR ONE SECOND, AIDEN!" I growled, sounding very demonic. I didn't even know my voice could go that deep. Ardein looked both shocked and angry.

"Fine." He grumbled. "Go on then... Player." I took a deep breath, ready to regain Ardein's full attention.



I began to float, ready to listen to Pylare again. He hadn't called me Aiden since we became these things. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched...

"This cycle of chaos can only be broken by us." began Pylare. "If that jerk manages to defeat us, the cycle will continue and most likely never end. Remember. We were chosen as vessels for a reason. Despite how much of a failure he is, we can admit, he has a good taste in vessels."

I nearly lost concentration, as my paranoia grew. It was like I felt... some sort of presence...

"No-Visor chooses those who are smart, strong, and have a chance of defeating him. Like us. You want to get revenge on him don't you? I mean, that's why I didn't leave you back there to die when you were released. I saw that you wanted revenge. I didn't expect it to be this way either. When we defeat No-Visor together, I'm sure everything will go back to normal."

"If." I corrected, beginning to get the point.

"Now you're getting it! We just need to hold on a little longer. Remember. I'm the reason you're here. I stabilised your powers so you wouldn't die. I created you."

"And I'm grateful for it."

"Now, sorry I had to talk like that. It was the only way to get your attention. And we'll always be equal in power."

Pylare, unexpectedly, grinned at me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled back. All of a sudden, something caught my eye. It was faint, but it was there. It was a glowing orange aura, and judging by the faint smell, it was easy to tell who it was.

"Pylare! Over by that splodge of ink! It's Mr Cheese!" I warned Pylare. Pylare whipped his head around and caught sight of what seemed to be Mr Cheese.

"Good eye, Ardein! He must be here through his subconscious." I diverted my attention to Mr Cheese.

"You're lucky we can't hurt you here. But you can't escape us. You're not as clever as you think." I grinned.

"Watch your back, you noob scrub idiot." added Pylare, laughing. Mr Cheese seemed to give us a glare, then simply poofed into thin air. He must've woken up. This could be bad for us if Mr Cheese uses this to his advantage...

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