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Rose blocked a few more punches from her other Specialist opponent, sending a blast of electricity that pushed them back.

"Block!" she yelled, hoping Riven would pay attention to her.

He'd been off ever since they took Beatrix, and Rose didn't blame him. But she was getting a little annoyed at how he was making them lose major points.

Rose clapped her hands together, a sheet of ice appearing in front of her opponent. She sent a soundwave towards him, enough to send him down. She took the ice away, now focusing her energy on the earth fairy against Riven.

Sending frost through the ground, and freezing the earth vines she was relying on, Rose sent a punch her way, and knocked her down. She grinned as their team moved up in standings.

"Let's go, Riv," she cheered, pointing out their standings. "We're in third place. But third place is not first place, so we're gonna win the rest of our exercises and get first place. Got it?"

"You'd probably be better off fighting without me," Riven waved their rank off. "I've been shit. It's practically all you."

"It is all me," Rose agreed. "But I don't care. I'm having fun while I'm training. For the first time in my life, training isn't something I'm being forced to do, or something I'm doing to escape. I'm doing it solely to win, and honestly, it's amazing."

Riven smiled at that, throwing a hand over her shoulder as they moved towards their packs. "You think training's fun? Wait till I show all the other things that are even more fun."

"I swear if that's an innuendo, I'm going to slap you," Rose threatened.

"So violent."

"Shut up."

"It's all about the tensile strength of the cellulose," Terra was saying to Kat, who smiled at her while she walked away.

"Ten bucks they get together by the end of the school year," Rose whispered.

"You're on."

Riven sighed as he sat on the bench, "Ah, tensile strength. Hot."

"Be nice, prickbag," Rose flicked his head. "I'm going to go fill up my water. I'll fill yours too. And Terra, if he's rude, feel free to murder him with one of your vines. I won't stop you this time."

Terra smiled as Rose took Riven and her water bottles over to refill.

She stretched her arms as she filled their water bottled. Musa sent Rose a small wave, which she responded to. Rose walked back to them just as Dane reached Riven.

"Sweet moves, Riven!" Dane grinned cheekily. "I've never seen someone die so many different ways so quickly." He chuckled as he walked away, "You should go for Alfea's Got Talent."

"Bastard!" Rose called after him.

Dane responded by blowing her a kiss.

"Ew," she muttered, sitting down and giving Riven his water bottle.

"What was that?" Terra muttered.

Riven sighed loudly, "Ah, that was a shitty burn from the first year monster I created. Or... Beatrix created. He's still got like a hard-on for her. A weird, gay hard-on." Riven paused, "Is he even gay? I don't know anything anymore."

"How about we don't just question peoples' sexualities, and we get to our next exercise?" Rose suggested, flicking Riven's arm. "We are so close to winning it all."

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