First steps into the unknown

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The night at Annie's house went surprisingly smoothly. Compared to last night, you would've guessed that you'd still be pretty sore and all but instead you feel... Kind of good. Your muscles aren't aching anymore, your skin doesn't feel sensitive to the touch and your head stopped spinning. You could even do cartwheels! If you knew how to do them at least.

The morning was uneventful otherwise. Annie was busy doing her makeup and just told you to grab anything you wanted for breakfast. You had cereal and afterwards and out of politeness you made some coffee for Annie. After you set the cup on her vanity table she insisted on covering up your bruises, which you still had, even though you otherwise felt great. She ended up covering your dark circles as well because "Why not? I'm already at it so might as well." She insisted on it so much that it made you question if she had an ulterior motive.

Pretty soon after the two of you were out the door. Currently you're walking on the pavement on your way to school. You have no clue where it is, but since you're walking it's probably not that far away.

You barely had any time to take in your surroundings when Annie started making conversation. She's surprisingly talkative in the morning but it's not a bad thing. You'd rather just listen and take in as much information as possible. As for trying to memorise your way, you can just do that later.

"I swear he's got some personal vendetta against our class. When I signed up people only spoke good of him, I don't get it! He's, like, the complete opposite of what people said," your friend explains, "I swear I could just-"

Staring at your feet while closely listening to her rambling, Annie suddenly stops and falls a few steps behind before you notice. You turn around to see she still has her hands stuck in a claw-like pose as if she's incredibly mad, but she's also really interested in something that's behind you. You turn around again to see what she's looking at and see a group of three guys. You can make out that one of them is Jin from last night, but you have no clue as to who the rest of them are.

Jin... You still feel awkward about last night. You'd rather not meet him again. At least when he rudely left you by yourself there was nobody around, but now it's morning and you're in a campus area... There's not many students here yet because Annie insisted on leaving really early, but there's those two guys accompanying the man.

Speaking of, they're pretty good looking too. That would make the rejection even more humiliating. Walking next to Jin is a shorter guy. He has dyed blonde hair with dark roots already peeking out. He's wearing a leather jacket that stops right at his hips, accentuating his slender legs. Next to the blondie is a redhead with gym attire. He's a little taller than Barbie over there but not as tall as Jin.

"Iris, come on! We can't let them see us!" Annie pulls your arm and drags you behind a corner.

They seemed to be deep in conversation, giggling occasionally. They probably wouldn't notice the two of you even if you were walking five feet behind them. You don't bother telling that to Annie though because hiding works better for you.

Annie takes a look as you stand behind her. She's staring at them as if she's in a trance until she yelps and ducks.

"Oops, I think they saw me," she gets up and steps towards closer to grab you by the arm again, "they're splitting up! Come on, let's follow Jin!"

"Uhhh... Actually, I gotta use the toilet!"

"Really? Now?!"

"I'm sorry! You follow him, I'll meet you later okay?"

"Ugh, fine." She huffs. "Whatever," she says and runs off.

You sigh from relief. You don't actually need to use the toilet, but you do need to find the secretary's office. It occurred to you in your sleep; almost any info you need right now can be found from the school files! You need to get your contact info and address. Then, you can look up your landlord from a school computer and call them about a lost key! Perfect!

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