Glimpse into the past

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You float on the edge of consciousness, the pain in your temples dully pulsating from the noise coming from above you.

"How did she find us?"

"Did the cloak break?"

You blink.

"...Hey, she's waking up."

The rock-hard cement floor sends little jolts of pain throughout your body. It takes a second to remember where you are and to realise what's happening. You groan and open your eyelids just enough to see the hallway's only bright fluorescent lamp beam in your face. There are four young men gathered around you, staring at you with a wide range of emotions displayed in their faces. Startled, confused, annoyed, even perplexed, with a hint of worry.

You're faced with Jeongguk, Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon. Jeongguk is the first to speak.

"Are you okay?" he blurts out.

Embarrassment travels through your body in slow gentle waves; "Ugh... I don't know... My head hurts a little..." a weak voice comes out. You blink a good few times before being able to keep your eyes properly open. You push yourself up to sit and rub your eyes in confusion. "What happened?"

"You were the one screaming like a hyena outside our door." Yoongi eyes you up and down in suspicion, "You tell us."

"I- I don't remember," you mutter. In all honesty, you have no clue. The last thing you remember is psyching yourself up on the way here, not too far away from the entrance to the basement.

"What are you doing here?" he continues interrogating, "How did you even find this place?"

You wish Namjoon would open his mouth. He's your only hope of having a roof over your head tonight but he probably wouldn't be very happy about getting outed for doing you a favour last night. So instead, like a timid little mouse, you avoid looking at him altogether.

"I was exploring," you lie, "and I just ended up here."

"Were you spying on us?"

No, you weren't. It's ridiculous how suspicious they always are of you - but you shouldn't say that though. That's something that will surely cause a fight. At the moment you need to gravel. But what would convince them to help you? Your mouth opens and closes while you think of what to say, and it just seems to anger not only Yoongi, but Taehyung as well. Say something, or else they're gonna think that's exactly what's going on! You think to yourself, but you're stuck. As the silence stretches out, speaking simply becomes harder and harder. You're in a conflict with yourself; would the best thing here actually be telling the truth?

"I - I..." you begin, but only stutters come out. The walls you've put on during the last few rough days start to crumble. You're so tired. You're hungry and dirty and your head hurts. No, you shouldn't trust them. But what other choice do you have? But then again there's this aura coming from them, this evil energy.

Your weariness forces you to give up your internal debate. However, just as you're about to tell them the truth, you come up with a stupid but believable enough lie.

"That guy was following me again." You partially confess to them. You make eye contact with Namjoon, take the hint, you plead. Help me out here. Please.

"What guy?" Jeongguk asks brows furrowed in confusion.

"There was some guy that was following her yesterday. I think he was infected or something." Namjoon casually mentions as if it were nothing.

"Namjoon...!" Yoongi and Taehyung yelp simultaneously, shocked that Namjoon would speak about the forbidden topic.

"What do you mean 'infected'?" Jeongguk asks.

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