015. Time will Tell

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~Time will Tell~

~Time will Tell~

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Dark and gloomy.

That's what things felt like nowadays. Watching Francis' coffin descend down to the ground, being buried next to Rachel Thornhart. It felt like an ongoing cycle. Watching the people you know die right in front of you.

Persephone got used to it. She got used to attending funerals. She got used to hearing bad news. That was what her life came to be. An overall cycle of bad news hitting her all at once. But this time, she didn't feel anything. Even with her last talk with Francis, she didn't feel sad but she didn't feel happy either.

The man didn't deserve to die. But everyone had to go through that cycle. Everyone was born to die. The only difference now was that Persephone Thornhart was now an orphan. She had no mother or father. The only person she had left was her sister, who on the other hand, felt the heartache Persephone felt years ago.

Athena never felt this much pain, not even when her mother died. She felt like she had little time with him. Just when they were in good graces. Just when things were turning out good, he passed away. It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. But she had to look at things in a different perspective. Persephone was now an orphan and Athena was the only person left to care for her. She knew what she needed to do.

Persephone had gotten so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't feel an arm wrap around her shoulder. She turned to find her best friend, Naomi, who yet again attended a Thornhart funeral. Persephone faced forward, watching her sister throw a red rose to the casket.

"How are you feeling?" Naomi whispered, faced forward.

Persephone shrugged, tossing a red rose down to the casket. "I don't feel anything. I think I've grown numb to all of this."

"He was a bad father but at the end of the day he was still your father."

"A father who tried to make things right a little too late." The girls watched as people started walking away.

"Do you regret not forgiving him?" Naomi knew about the talk Persephone had with Francis. She knew Persephone didn't forgive her father. Francis died never getting the chance to make things right.

"No." Persephone turned around, walking away from the gravesite. "I don't regret it because he doesn't deserve it. Athena was mad but she'll get over it."

It didn't take long for Athena to find out about the conversation she had with Francis and to say Athena was disappointed was an understatement. She believed that by Persephone talking to Francis, she would have made things right but Athena was wrong.

"Don't worry about it. Athena doesn't know the things you've been through. The girl was too much of a people pleaser to ever see how your father really was."

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