020. Sneak Glances

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~Sneak Glances~

~Sneak Glances~

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"Couldn't we just skip this whole thing? Why do have to go to this stupid thing?" Persephone questioned her sister as Arabella tightened her corset. "Not too much, Bella. I need to at least breathe."

"Sorry, Persephone." Arabella apologized as she tied the knot.

"Of course we have to go, Persephone. Everyone is going. Don't you want to find more suitors?"

"I thought you were very adamant on me being with Lord Arrington. What changed your mind?" Persephone looked at sister through the mirror, watching her turn away.

"Nothing. I just think you should explore your options before settling down with one." Athena shrugged, playing with the bracelet on her wrist. Persephone took notes on her nervous antics but didn't say a word.

If Athena believed she knew Persephone like the back of hand, she didn't realize Persephone knew her very well. Enough to know that whenever she was nervous or tried to hide something, she would play with her bracelets or fingers. A trait she had gotten from their mother.

"If you think I am settling down to Lord Arrington then you must be mistaken." Persephone spoke as she slipped on her gloves. "Dear sister, I would rather die than marry that man."

That's what I'm afraid of, Athena thought. She knew how headstrong Persephone was. Athena knew but didn't say a word.

"The opera will be a great way for us to forget about the social season, even if it is just for a night. We can just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Or is it a great way for you to see who Anthony Bridgerton has been fooling around with?"

Arabella snorted but covered it up with a cough as she saw the look on Athena's face.

"We are not going because of that." Athena argued. "Besides, I don't care about him. I am a married woman with three lovely boys."

"Ah yes, but we both know if Anthony would walk into this house right now and ask you to divorce your lousy husband, you'll do it in a heartbeat."

The Thornhart sisters both knew Persephone was right. Anthony was always the guy Athena wanted to marry, have kids with. But when he announced that he didn't want to get married. That he didn't want to start his social season, it devastated her. On top of that, there were always rumors about him sleeping with an opera singer. It crushed Athena but the reality made her move on.

"We must make haste. The show is going to start soon and we do not want to be late." Athena changed the subject, trying to hurry her sister up.

Persephone rolled her eyes but nonetheless walked out of her room. She knew there was no way she would be able to back out of this so she might as well get this over with.

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