Sicut diabolus vult

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Somewhere in Siberia, Russia (Former USSR)

1000 hours Zulu


Royal Court Wizard Alexei and Duchess Klara were sitting in the common room of the military base that the remnants of the White Army shared, while for some it took some time to get used to it, but they all shared the same hardship seventy years ago and most now had become friends.

"Ha," Klara laughed, her laughter like bells "look at this" she said holding up a newspaper that had Jackie Regan shooting a bean gun at President Bill Clinton.

"Those crazy Americans, am I right Alexei."

The Court Wizard Alexei nodded that from the papers they were able to get this was the funnest thing he had seen in the paper in years.

Yes this was their routine, day to day they would read the papers of the world, watch TV to learn what was happening, or even make sure their stock investments were doing good. Of course this small bit of peace was interrupted as the door to the room was open as the sight of Captain Fedorov was seen walking in at a brisk pace towards the two. "Duchess! Royal wizard! I have news! important news!"

Duchess Klara and Alexei jumped in shock at the way he had entered.

"Captain Fedorov" Klara said "what is it, have we been discovered, are those filthily communist dogs on their way here!" This was said rapidly as she was getting both worried and angry that the Bolshevik dogs had found them after all this time.

Fedorov shakes his head as he lays down a photo of Visha and the late Tsar down on the table between the two. "Look! Just look!" He said as if he was a child who had bagged a large buck for the first time in his life

At first Klara didn't get what he was getting at unlike the Royal wizard who had served the Tzars, it took her a moment to see the resemblance and then it hit her like a freight train, Anastasia, Visha other wise known as Viktoriya in that world was the daughter of that world's Tzar and to her that brought up a lot of question. First of all was what a princess was doing serving in another country's military.

Alexei couldn't believe it, but there is was in color, Anastasia alive and well, it brought tears to his eyes because the last time he saw her was when she was placed at Tsarskoye Selo, and then she was dead killed by those Bolshevik Devils, he swore revenge, he had come close to breaking the Statue of a secrecy quite a few time but he didn't care the family he swore himself to was dead and he needed to avenge them if fact the Red Devils had a nickname for him Otets Zmey, Father Snake, fitting considering that he knew Baba Yaga, she had helped them fighting the reds but after it was all over she went into hiding but she still harassed the reds whenever possible, hell it led to her story getting a revival in Communist Russia. But now that a version of dear Anastasia was alive, if she appeared he would not fail her this time, on his life and magic he swore this. Unseen to everyone his magic accepted this vow.

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