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July 31st. 1995.

A date which will go down in infamy, for the date is special among many within and out of the magical community, for it was the date that one Harry James Potter was born and sadly thanks to the investigation was also the day of his death.

For many this date at first was one in mourning, till those in Germany used this date as a means to celebrate the memory of a child for whom was now a hero for another world, one who would hopefully prevent the horrors of the second world war to pass. July 31st for those within the borders of Germany became a date of hope and the celebration of life for a young man now turned into a young girl.

Even on a RAF base the date was used as a means to pay respect to the former Potter and even lead many to pray for their safe return to their home. Yet that was somber celebration was interrupted as the military personnel at a military base the cadets had been staying at over the summer began barking orders and told every member of the cadets that they were being mobilized and were to be on standby for further orders, as those of the medical cadets and on base were ordered to set up triage centers.

Of Course they took this in stride and assumed it was another drill, they had drills like these before and surely this was just another drill right?

Fate it would seem was not within their favor for it wasn't until well after three hours of general alert was the news finally broken which caused many to fully understand the full gravity of the general mobilization orders. One simple phrase which caused many to have their blood run cold, their hearts filled with sorrow, and for many more to have anger and rage fill their veins.

London had been attacked.

Not since the days of the blitz had many British citizens huddled around their radios to learn what had become of their nation's capital as they awaited with bated breath.

What felt like hours passed for the young cadets before the cadets were given orders to return to barracks still in full combat uniforms not having changed due to the shock of the news.

Many raced to telephone stations as many called home to see if their families were safe, others wrote home and on that day hundreds of owls, hawks, any animal which could carry a message was sent out of the base in hopes that their families were safe.

It was now night and many who called home found that their families were safe as many were in Diagon Alley during the time of the attack and was nowhere near it at the time which brought relief for many, but this did not stop the dreadful emotions which built up within the student body as all waited around their radios, waiting for more news to be shared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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