Beachy blues

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A few moments after you and Saiko arrived, the bus your classmates were on arrived.

People piled off the bus and most ran to you, pushing and shoving Saiko out of the way. They acted as if you were hurt, which you weren't.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Who does he think he IS?!"

"I could've fought that old dude, but he was pretty fast"

"Are you hurt? Hungry?"

Saiko's bodyguards pushed your peculiar classmates out of the way to give you and Saiko space.

S: Now that those poor slobs-



He shot the mob being held back by two bodyguards a dirty look and continued.

S: Now that those poor slobs are out of the way, would you like to take a small walk? I have something planned just for you.

He entwined his fingers with yours and held them just above your chest.

S: Just the two of us. Alone

He stared into your eyes as an uncomfortable silence started, only broken once in a while by the waves crashing on the shoreline.

Y/N POV: Please don't go in for a kiss, please don't go in for a kiss, PLEASE don't go in for a kiss!!

After a bit of time, he closed his eyes and leaned his face into yours slowly. You edged your head backward, a disgusted look on your face. You were glad he couldn't see your face so appalled.

At that point, you couldn't back your head away anymore, his lips were mere inches away from yours. Was this going to be your first kiss? Not special, not even with someone you like.

The mob being held back get rowdier and rowdier at the sight.

I guess this is going to be your first kiss.

Y/N POV: I guess this is it. He's not stopping, or even opening his eyes. Cocky bastard. I want to speak. I wish I would speak. But I won't SPEAK! I can't even push him off. His fingers are locked between mine. I don't want to do this. I really don't. Please stop!

The crowd got even louder and rowdier as his lips got closer to yours.

You closed your eyes and braced for impact.



You opened your eyes to find tons of seaweed all over Saiko's face.

You stifled a cackle and looked away.

When you noticed somebody looking at you, you look up. You spied a pink-haired boy, who quickly looked away.

Some saltwater from the seaweed got into Saiko's eyes, so he screamed and ran away. But before he was out of earshot he yelled:

Saiko: Don't worry about me, darling! I just need to clean my eyes!!

You weren't worried. You just now noticed the silent crowd. You looked over to them and covered your mouth with the tip of your fingers.

Their faces made you start to giggle. While giggling, you closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes to find every eye staring at you, silently.

Then, somebody started crying.


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